The aim of the project is to promote sport and healthy leisure activities outdoors by stimulating sports activities offer in greenways and potential greenways while raising awareness on environmental issues and circular economy. Moreover, SIGWAY aims to enhancing sports field employability and local economies.
>> EGWA will lead the WP 2, that includes the research and mapping, and co-lead the strategy and Guidelines as expert on Greenways and implement all activities of the project. Will increased noticeably the impact and sustainability of the project throughout its network.
SIGWAY partners:
Total budget 400.000 €-
30 months. From May 2022- October 2024.
You can read the latest updates on the project in 8 languages!
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Recommendation on how to convert unused (or low used) greenways and abandoned railways into actively used sports infrastructures.
Produced as part of the SIGWAY Sport in greenways project, the primary objective of this guideline is to promote outdoor sports activities by transforming these disused transport corridors into vibrant areas for physical activities, thereby contributing to the local economy, enhancing sports field employability, and raising awareness of environmental issues and circular economy practices.
The document provides strategic recommendations tailored to different stakeholders, including public administrations namely municipalities, sports agencies, associations, and private business. Includes many practical ideas for action, proposed by SIGWAY partners and for all types of stakeholders.
EGWA has shared its experience guiding the project partners in their proposals and drafted the aggregated Strategy. Available in the seven languages of the partners, can be download it here: https://lnkd.in/eVbxVygb
SIGWAY Sports in Greenways – Discover Europe through Greenways
Enjoying cycling, walking, Nordic walking, alone or combined with parkour, acroyoga, herb picking, capoeira, martial arts (…), in Spain, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia, Austria, Greece and Portugal, with testimonials from participants (young people, seniors, women) and trainers, assessing the activities and their benefits for physical and mental well-being. It is part of the European SIGWAY Sport in greenways project, co-funded by EU, Erasmus programme.
The aim of the activities was to shape and test a sport programme linked to existing or potential greenways, varied and attractive for all types of participants and age groups.
This is a European collaborative video recorded by all proyect partners and edited by Trekkify.
See long version and other videos >> here
Sport in Greenways: national final event in Court-Saint-Etienne
As a final event, an attractive bike ride along the #RAVeL and the presentation of the results of Sigway – Sport on Greenways took place in Court -St – Etienne
Further info >> here
European Stakeholders Multiplier Event in Aarschot (Belgium) 19/September/2024
The main aim of the European Stakeholders Multiplier Event was to share the results of the SIGWAY project and strengthen its sustainability.
The final event consisted of a conference and a cycling tour along a section of the greenway Aarschot – Herentals, of railway origin, and the Demer river.
> Further info >> here
SIGWAY Pilot Activities in Belgium
>> Two pilot activities were held as part of the SIGWAY project the weekend of March 16 and 17/ 2024.
>> Two cycling activities on greenways in Wallonia, in Pays de Herve, and Flanders, around Herentals-Aarschot.
>>The aim: promoting physical activity, health awareness and socialization, and of course the pleasure of cycling!
Sports Programmes adapted to different target groups
We are glad to announce that the Sport and physical activity Programme of Sigway has been published with open access to download from SIGWAY website: https://www.sigway.eu/…/sport-and-physical-activity…/
You can find a set of activities programme to promote sport and physical activities in Greenways that are specifically adapted to youth, women, seniors and families, available in 8 languages.
SIGWAY Sport Training of Trainers In Slovakia
The SIGWAY Project team members and representatives of stakeholders participate in meetings and training held in Ruzomberok, Slovakia, from 27 to 29 June.
>> info here
The first results of the SIGWAY project are now available!
National report on the current network of sport greenways in each country
The objectives of the report are:
To have the general information on the existing greenways in each represented country, and the main characteristics of their development.
To know the specific characteristics that favour the development of outdoor sports and leisure activities in greenways, and what conditions make them successful, through concrete examples.
Offer a global overview of the situation of the greenways and the sports activities that take place in the represented countries.
Identify outstanding examples of greenways, which can serve as a reference for the transformation of disused railway lines into greenways on which to develop sports programmes and active leisure promoting the circular economy, of which the greenways themselves are a good example due to the reuse of disused railway infrastructure for new uses.
Best Practices of successful sports activities on greenways.
The handbook includes best practices of outdoor sports and leisure activities linked to greenways, in a greater or lesser extent, in Spain, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia, Austria, Italy, Greece and Portugal.
They are very varied activities, open to all kinds of groups, and promoted by different entities, sports, educational, rural development, companies, municipalities and other social, public and private groups, which can serve as inspiration to be performed in other places and promote sport and active leisure activities on greenways and other non-motorised itineraries. The proposed activities are free of charge or at a very low cost, which encourages participation in group activities, which in turn has a very positive impact on the people who take part and on the communities.
We hope that they can also be useful to raise awareness and visibility of the circular economy through the use of old railway infrastructures, into a new purpose, like greenways.
The SIGWAY project focuses on greenways of railway origin due to the reuse of old railway infrastructures as an example of new uses and circular economy.
Further info: www.sigway.eu
Launch of the European project SIGWAY, Sport in Greenways. >> Info
The kick-off- meeting of the SIGWAY, was held in Madrid on 6-7 June 2022.
The meetings were combined with a visit by bike to the Tajuña greenway.