See all activities and publications from Greenways4ALL at the project website : www.greenways4all.org
Activities GW4ALL

“Greenways4ALL Final Conference in Portugal
“Greenways4ALL final conference” – Registration is open Now!! Date: Thuesday 14 November 2017, Monçao, Portugal. Please keep tuned for updates.

The Greenways4ALL catalogue includes currently 10 products of Accessible Tourism around Greenways from Spain and Portugal.

How to Make Accessible Greenways?
Key recommendations for making greenways accessible When designing accessible greenways we need to take into consideration a set of minimum, technical, accessibility-related criteria in order to ensure that greenways can be used and enjoyed by everyone – including people with disabilities – under safe and comfortable conditions. Accessibility to natural spaces has been less well developed than accessibility in urban environments. For this reason we believe it is essential to provide some guidelines that can be implemented not only on greenways but also in any action carried out in natural areas, such as paths, nature trails, etc. We are confident that this brochure will help European greenway planners and managers to develop initiatives aimed at improving accessibility along their routes and making greenways an integrating element for the development of accessible tourism experiences and products. All this technical information, best practices for accessible greenways in Europe, and plenty more besides is available in the Greenways4ALL “Practical Guide to Opening Up the Territory to Accessible Greenways”. (in Spanish). Brochures are available in English, Spanish and Portuguese Download from http://greenways4all.org/publications/ Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

“Local Accessibility Agreement” for La Sierra Greenway and Ecopista do Dao
Local Accessibility Agreements were signed by EGWA members La Sierra Greenway and Ecopista Do Dão as part of the Greenways4All project In the month of October representatives from PREDIF (Representative State Platform for Physically Disabled Persons) and the Spanish Railway Foundation met managers from two Greenways4ALL project members, La Sierra Greenway (Cadiz-Seville) and Ecopista do Dão (Viseu, Portugal), at two events whose purpose was to train the technical staff of each area in matters of accessibility. At the close of each event a “Local Accessibility Agreement” was signed by the host greenway. The “Local Accessibility Agreement” for La Sierra Greenway (Cadiz-Seville) was reached during the event held on October 19 and 20 at Olvera station. Representatives from PREDIF and the Spanish Railway Foundation (FFE), in collaboration with the La Sierra Greenway Foundation, organized a training workshop for greenway managers and owners of tourism establishments. This event included a technical visit to and an accessibility assessment of a stretch of the greenway and of a number of different types of establishments such as accommodation, restaurants and an interpretation centre. The schedule also included a presentation and a short dissemination session on accessible tourism and greenways. In the framework of this event […]

Conference “Accessible Tourism on European Greenways: Greenways for All” September 30 in Madrid
Conference “Accessible Tourism on European Greenways: Greenways for All” The European Greenways Association and the Spanish Railways Foundation, as project coordinator partner of “Greenways4ALL” project organize on Friday, September 30, the first conference of this European project which began last July 1, 2016. The conference will take place at the FFE headquarters (C / Santa Isabel, 44, Madrid). The conference “Accessible Tourism on European Greenways: Greenways for All” aims to publicize the “Greenways4ALL” project and share experiences on accessible tourism, improving accessibility around greenways and the dissemination of these routes as resources for all. It is aimed at political and technical professionals at national and regional level, county councils, municipalities, greenways managers, experts, entrepreneurs and workers in the tourism sector, the third sector and specialized media. View Program and presentations >> Registration Form >> The conference is the starting point of the European project Greenways4ALL with the aim of moving towards a product that meets the value chain of accessibility; from the accessible travel path to an accessible experience. Thus, accessibility is the common element to all resources that integrate the tourism product: walking the greenway, eating in restaurants in the area, lodging in the immediate vicinity to the greenway, […]

The new European Project in which EGWA is participating, “Greenways4ALL”, is underway! EGWA participates in this new EU project funded under the COSME programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The project aims to move forward towards the creation of accessible tourism products linked to greenways. Greenways4ALL will help improve accessibility to and around greenways, the quality of the tourism supply aimed at persons with disability, and the dissemination of greenway resources as infrastructures for everyone. The project is coordinated by the FFE; the EGWA provides the European dimension and coordinates communication. Greenways, which are non-motorized routes that mostly make use of disuse railway lines and canal towpaths, are probably the most accessible routes providing access to nature and open-air leisure activities for everyone, including persons with disability. However, and with few exceptions, despite the potential that the tourist destinations of greenways enjoy, travellers are not offered the facilities to acquire a comprehensive and accessible tourism product based on greenways. This is because the offer of the various resources making up a trip are neither structured nor organized. With this project, whose full name is “Accessible Tourism on European Greenways: Greenways For All”, we aim […]