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Activities GW-Heritage

Find out the main results of the Greenways Heritage project
Discover 15 amazing itineraries that combine greenways and UNESCO cultural heritage, with the help of the Greenways Heritage GIS Tour and Story Map. Find out how new technologies are being applied to other greenways and UNESCO and get ideas for innovative actions involving your own greenway. Surprise yourself with the heritage re-interpretation of the UNESCO sites and cycle routes using augmented reality – 360º virtual reality. Learn from the clear results of the surveys to take better advantage of the combination of these two resources (greenways + UNESCO Heritage) ⇒ Tourism GIS web app The latest GIS (geographical information system) technology was employed to produce a Tourism GIS web app that can be used on any device, with details of 15 combined greenway-heritage site itineraries in 10 countries. The app provides attractive and comprehensive information on greenways and UNESCO heritage situated in the proximity, in addition to services and other attractions available. A Story Map app was also created for each of the 15 itineraries, enabling the user to view georeferenced images of the itineraries, videos and even 360º virtual reality images of the attraction sites. Both apps are extremely useful for tourists, tourism product developers […]

International Workshop Greenways Heritage in Milan
International Workshop in Milan & Study Tour along the Naviglio Pavese Greenway, 24 -25 October 2019 Thursday 24th October International Greenways Heritage Workshop: “Development and promotion of a transnational cultural tourism product linked to Greenways and UNESCO cultural sites” 14:00 – Registration Section 1: Greenways Heritage Project Results 14:40 – The “Greenways Heritage” Project – Mercedes Muñoz, European Greenways Association 15:00 – The “Greenways Heritage” Touristic GIS and Web-App – Giulio Senes, Roberto Rovelli, Gianpaolo Cirone, University of Milan (Italy) 15:20 – “Greenways Heritage”: quality protocol and visitor profile – Giulio Senes, Roberto Rovelli, Gianpaolo Cirone, University of Milan (Italy) 15:40 – 360° and augmented reality experience for UNESCO sites and greenways – Els Van Zele, City of Mechelen (Belgium) 16:00 – “Greenways Heritage” Touristic Product – Arantxa Hernández Colorado, Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles – Vias Verdes Program (Spain) 16:20 – “Greenways Heritage” Promotion & communication – Nuno Ferreira, Inter-municipal Community of Ave (Portugal) 16:40 – Coffee break Section 2: Key stakeholders’ experiences 17:00 – The Voghera-Varzi Greenway and the Pavia provincial soft mobility network – Paolo Gramigna, Province of Pavia (Italy). See video. 17:20 – Soft mobility and cultural heritage in Italy – Anna Donati, Italian Soft Mobility Alliance […]

The 9th European Greenways Awards have been given on September 5th 2019 during the official ceremony in Dikli, Vidzeme. (Latvia)
Six greenways from Latvia, Czechia, Austria and Spain were awarded as reference of best practices in Europe. The Award ceremony was held in Dikli, Vidzeme region (Latvia), and had the participation of the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Justice, and other authorities. The European Greenways Award was created in 2003 and has been held every two years since, to recognize greenway projects that stand out for their excellence and demonstration of best practice. In this 2019 edition the international jury met in Brussels on 10 July 2019, has awarded projects in two categories: “Excellence”, “Exemplary Initiatives” and one Special award (*), to recognize an Innovative action or product to improve the info and experience for tourists. EXCELLENCE CATEGORY 1st Prize: Green Railways in Latvia and Estonia /Latvia–Estonia, presented by Vidzeme Tourism Association/Vidzeme region, Latvia For the first extensive greenways network in Northern Latvia and Southern Estonia. In a very short time (less than 3 years), a network about 300 km long has been created, using the former railway lines to enhance the value of the history and heritage of the railway. Great results based on excellent cross border cooperation and a comprehensive, meaningful public-private partnership, including some 90 […]

Greenways Heritage & European Greenways Award in Latvia
Greenways Heritage & European Greenways Award in Latvia The final Conference of the Greenways Heritage EU co-funded Cosme project and the gala Dinner of the 9th European Greenways Award will be held on 5 September 2019, in Vidzeme region in Latvia. Overwiew of the program: Thursday 5th September 2019 9:00 – 12:00 Project partners meeting – Greenways Heritage 13:00 – 18:00 Final Conference Greenways Heritage “Enhancing Heritage and Innovation: shaping the future of greenways” (open) The conference will feature: Main outputs of the Greenways Heritage project. With special focus on key messages and tools to put in value greenways and cultural heritage nearby: Integrating cultural heritage into itineraries to create more attractive routes. Using technological tools for informing and enrich the experience of tourist about Greenways and cultural and natural heritage. Promoting and selling greenways and UNESCO as common destinations Governance to manage and promote greenways and heritage nearby. How to finance greenways integrating the natural and cultural assets nearby? Best practices to set up, manage and promote greenways and heritage in Europe, based on useful examples. Program of the Conference 13:00 – 13:30 Registration / Coffee 13:30 – 13:50 Opening. […]

Meeting in Brussels of the jury of the 9th European Greenways Award
Jury members at meeting in Brussels The Jury of the 9th European Greenways Award was made up of experts whose professional background allowed them to approach, from a range of perspectives, the analysis of the exceptional candidates from 7 different countries. Ms. Girma Anuskeviciute – DG GROW, Unit F4 – Tourism, Emerging and Creative Industries. European Commission Ms. Anne GRADY. European Commission. Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC). Unit D.1 – Cultural Policy Ms. Ilaria MAGGIOROTTI, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana R.F.I. S.p.A. Responsible of the disused railways Mr. Javier MORENO. Technical Advisor of EIM aisbl (European Rail Infrastructure Managers) Mr. Ignace Schops. Director. President EUROPARC Federation Mr. Giulio SENES: EGWA President of the EGWA (Vote, in case of a tie vote) The jury was assisted technically by Isabelle Dullaert (Waloon region and Vice-president EGWA), Gilbert Perrin, (Chemind du Rail and past president of the EGWA) and Mercedes Muñoz (EGWA director and jury Secretary). As laid down in the award regulations, the jury set out to select 3 awards for the categories Excellence and Exemplary Initiatives and 1 special award for “Exemplary innovative action / product to improve the info and experience for tourist”; this last one being part of the activities included in […]

Greenways Heritage Study Tour in Flanders and Wallonia
Greenways Heritage next open activities in Flandres & Wallonie (Belgium) Tuesday 21 May 2019: 10 -12: Workshop Greenways Heritage about cycle tourism and cultural heritage: innovation through the use of new technology Press conference. Venue: Museum Hof van Busleyden – Mechelen: Visit by bike (*) along greenways from Averbode to UNESCO Beguinage of Diest in the afternoon. (*) Previous confirmation required. Reservation until 15 May: Kris.ROCKELE[at]provincieantwerpen.be PROGRAM 10.00 hours: Welcome by Björn Siffer, (political representative of the city of Mechelen). 10.15 hours: Jan De Haes, (political representative of the Province of Antwerp): “The innovation in leisure industry and cycle tourism: opportunities and treats for SMEs”. 10.30 hours: Mercedes Muñoz, (director of European Greenways Association (EGWA), project coordinator): “Greenways Heritage: state of affairs (project status) and future actions in this COSME-EU funded project”. 10.45 hours: Giulio Senes, (Milan University): “Greenways Heritage and Touristic GIS/multiplatform Web-GIS based application: opportunities for SMEs in Europe”. 11.00 hours: Bram Van Oost, (marketing manager of POPPR): “The development of Augmented Routes for the cultural and creative industry: the app we are launching today”. 11:15 hours: Melissa Geerts, (coordinator – heritage consultant De Merode): “The beguinages of Mechelen and Diest: a paradise for heritage lovers and slow tourism […]

Greenways + UNESCO Heritage, uniting destinations
Workshop Greenways Heritage at FITUR International Tourism Fair. Madrid, Friday 25 January 2019; 11-14h. Co-organized by the Spanish Railways Foundation with the cooperation of the European Greenways Association. This event is part of the Greenways Heritage Project, co funded by the COSME program of the European Commission. The aim of the project is the development and diversification of the European tourism offer by generating new tourism products related to heritage greenways and UNESCO cultural heritage sites located nearby. Addressed to: Tourism promotion and greenway management authorities; UNESCO sites management authorities; Local service and equipment providers (SMEs) around greenways; Tour operators and active and nature tourism agencies specialized in greenways, cultural and nature tourism; Public authorities and private organisations that want to promote greenways and cultural heritage for tourism in its territories; Potential tourists / end users. See the program here Registration here Further info about Greenways Heritage project here Venue: FITUR International Tourism Fair. Av. Partenón, Nº 5, 28042 Madrid. (Room N 110). Greenways Heritage Project partners: Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

Workshop UNESCO sites and Greenways, in Portugal
Next Workshop “UNESCO sites and Greenways, a common destination” These events are organized in the framework of the Greenways Heritage project, in the city of Guimarães ⇒ Historic centre of Guimarães is World Heritage Site (WHS) ⇒ The Ecopista of Guimarães, as greenways are called in Portugal, is about 14 km long, between Guimarães and Fafe and uses the old railway line of Guimaraes. Date/Data: Encontro: Quinta-feira/ Thursday /29 de Noviembre 2018 Venue/Local: Sociedade Martins Sarmento, Rua Paio Galvão, Guimarães, Portugal. Language / Idioma: Portuguese / English with simultaneous translation from / to Objetivos: Dar a conhecer o projeto europeu Greenways HERITAGE (Ecovias e património UNESCO) e as oportunidades de cooperação em Portugal. Favorecer a participação público-privada na criação de produtos turísticos e iniciativas para o aproveitamento turístico, vinculadas à promoção do património UNESCO e Ecovias na Europa. Promover a aplicação das novas tecnologias para informar os visitantes e melhorar o conhecimento do património cultural existente no território. Favorecer o intercambio e a cooperação europeia, no âmbito do projeto Greenways HERITAGE: como os territórios que contam com património UNESCO e “Greenways” podem contribuir para o projeto e como o projeto europeu pode ajudá-los a estar melhor preparados para o turismo […]

Greenways and UNESCO sites a common destination
Greenways and UNESCO sites a common destination. Activities and opportunities of cooperation. Workshop & Working meeting. Namur (Belgium) Thursday 28 June 2018 – 16:30 Venue: C/o Siège de Chemins du Rail – Rue van Opré 97 ; 5th floor – Namur Objectives: → To present the new EU funded project Greenways Heritage to the EGWA members and greenways network, and the opportunities of cooperation → To encourage greenways network to cooperate and to request the contribution to the project from partners outside the consortium. → To promote the application of new technologies to inform visitors and to improve the knowledge of the existing cultural heritage of the territory. → Networking between partners and participants: how you can contribute to the project Greenways Heritage and how the project can help your greenways and Cultural resources to become better prepared for tourism and for being more internationally well-known. Program Greenways Heritage (10′) Project General Overview: Greenways and UNESCO sites a winning duo. Mercedes Muñoz, AEVV-EGWA – Lead Partner/Coordinator. Detailed content of the work and opportunities to participate in the different actions of Greenways Heritage. (40′) Team partners: Arantxa Hernández, FFE Vias Verdes; Giulio Senes Milan University; Kris Rokelé and representatives from Stad Mechelen / Provincie Antwerpen, Mercedes […]

Launching of the european project Greenways HERITAGE in Burgos
Greenways HERITAGE, international presentation for press, authorities and stakeholders. Date: Wednesdady 6 June 2018; 5:00 p.m. – Museum of the Human Evolution, Burgos, Spain, Lanzamiento internacional del proyecto europeo “Greenways HERITAGE” Fecha: 6 Junio – 5:00 Burgos, Museo de la Evolución Humana Program – (Spanish) – Presentación a prensa, autoridades y grupos de interés El proyecto europeo Greenways HERITAGE. Mercedes Muñoz, coordinadora del proyecto y directora de la Asociación Europea de vías Verdes (EGWA) Patrimonio UNESCO en Burgos y Castilla y León. Javier Ramírez, Director General de Turismo de Castilla y León. El Programa de Caminos Naturales en Castilla y León. Gustavo Bada.Jefe del Área de Informática de la Subdirección General de Fomento del Desarrollo Rural del Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente Vías Verdes y Patrimonio UNESCO en Castilla y León. Arantxa Hernández, Jefa del área de Vías Verdes de la Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles. The presentation to the press, authorities and stakeholders will be followed by a visit to the museum at 6:00 p.m. ⇒ The Internal Kick-off meeting of the Greenways Heritage for project […]

Greenways HERITAGE new EU funded project
New EU funded project Greenways HERITAGE EGWA will co-ordinate this new EU project funded under the COSME programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The general objective of the project is the development and diversification of the European tourism offer by generating new tourism products related to heritage greenways and UNESCO cultural heritage sites located nearby. This is to be achieved by widely disseminating this appealing offer in order to attract more tourists and to generate an economic impact on territories which have both UNESCO sites and greenways, and in particular on the SMEs located in their vicinity. To promote the use of new technologies applied to greenways and UNESCO sites to better inform tourists and so enhance their experience. To achieve this objective various types of concrete actions will be implemented: The creation of product and generation of an offer of tourism packages of greenways and UNESCO sites, and “go as you please” trip proposals. Work with local companies to improve competitiveness. Meetings promoting Public Private Partnership (PPP) To improve useful information for tourists by using new information technologies (web-GIS multi-platform with information on cultural sites and related greenways; Furthermore a specific example […]