Greenways Outdoor

Greenways Outdoor in the Showcase conference on tourism
Greenways Outdoor coordinated by the EGWA has been one of the selected examples by the EC to show case the Added-value of EU support for tourism projects under the COSME Programme. Full info: Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

“Ecopistas e Produtos Turísticos”, Workshop and technical visit
The summary of the workshop “Ecopistas e Produtos Turísticos” held in Viseu 7th July 2016 in the framework of Greenways Outdoor project; presentations in Portuguese and Spanish, and pictures including the technical visit to Ecopista do Dão.

WINNERS of European Greenways Photo Contest 2016
CONGRATULATIONS to all the WINNERS of the first European Greenways Photo Contest We loved all your photos!!! WINNERS: PRIZE 1 ©Helen Rigard – Waterford Greenway Viaduct – IRELAND PRIZE 2 ©Oscar Garcia – Terra Alta Greenway – SPAIN PRIZE 3 ©Pablo Toboso – Terra Alta Greenway – SPAIN PRIZE 4 ©David Quintas – Vasco Navarro Greenway_Alava – SPAIN PRIZE 5 ©Derek Halsey – Iron Curtain Trail – CZECH REPUBLIC MENTIONS: M1 ©Oscar Garcia – Sierra de la Demanda Greenway – SPAIN M2 ©Tessa Serrano – Hehlingen – GERMANY M3 ©Anita Tīlena – Old Narroy-gauge Railway Bridge – LATVIA M4 ©Gregorio Egea Jimenez – Murcia Greenway – SPAIN M5 ©Salvador Camaño – Plazaola Greenway – SPAIN M5 ©Alicia Polo – Bidasoa Greenway – SPAIN M5 ©Derek Halsey – Iron Curtain Trail – CZECH REPUBLIC Thank you all for participating! We have discovered new greenways thanks to your photos. Please keep on sharing and tagging your favourite European greenways! Also thanks to all our judges for taking their time and rating all the pictures! Roberto Rovelli – IT Associazione Italiana Greenways Jenny Martin – UK Sustrans Dominika Zareba – PL Stowarzyszenie Greenways Poland Gilbert Perrin – BE Chemins du Rail Carmen Aycart – ES Vías Verdes de Andalucía Liam O’Mahony – IR Great Southern Trail / Greenway And […]

Greenways and Tourism Product Workshop and Technical Visit in Portugal
Programa Workshop: Ecopistas e Produtos Turísticos – Visita Técnica THIS WORKSHOP WILL BE IN PORTUGUESE Parceiros Internacionais European Greenways Association (EGWA) Subbética Bikes Friends, (Spain) Parceiros Nacionais Câmara Municipal de Santa Comba Dão Câmara Municipal de Tondela Câmara Municipal de Viseu Programa da Ação: Dia 7 – Quinta-feira 09:00 – Receção 09:30 – Sessão boas vindas – CIM VISEU DÃO LAFÕES 10:00 – Apresentação do projeto “Greenways Outdoor” – Mercedes Muñoz 10:30 – Turismo do Centro – Producto turístico vinculado a Ecopistas no Centro de Portugal 11:00 – “Generando producto turístico en la Vía verde del Aceite” Antonio Camacho Subbética Bikes Friends, (Spain) 11:30- “Ecopistas: Recurso Acessível a Todos” – Apresentação pelas Associações (IPSS) 12:00 – Os Bikotel e a Estruturação do Produto – Pedro Pedrosa empresa A2Z 12:15 – Network Meeting – Instituições Publicas e empresariais. “Serviços em torno da Ecopista do Dão” 13:00 – Almoço livre 17:00 – Visita técnica à ECOPISTA DO DÃO 20:00 – Jantar convívio Organizado por: […]

“Tourism Outdoor and Greenways in Rural Areas” Workshop in Italy
European Greenways Association will take part in the “Tourism Outdoor and Greenways in Rural Areas” Workshop in Italy. On the 1st and 2nd of July we will be in Parco Regionale Veneto Delta del Po and we invite you to participate also in the workshop, the techical visit or the nordic walk and discover the city of Adria. Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

“Greenways: Attracting new clients and selling the product” Workshop and more…
On Friday 20 May the workshop “Greenways: Attracting new clients and selling the product” was held in Bütgenbach (Belgium). It was organized by Tourismusagentur Ostbelgien (the Belgian tourism agency) in cooperation with EGWA, within the framework of the EU funded project, Greenways Outdoor. The workshop was followed by a very interesting technical visit to the award-winning cross-border route, Vennbahn, passing through 3 countries, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. To end the day a new bridge near the Lommersweiler tunnel was opened. It was named after Gilbert Perrin in recognition of his tireless work in the creation of Vennbahn. The interesting presentations made during the workshop can be seen at Workshop “Greenways: Attracting new clients and selling the product” The workshop kicked off with a warm welcome to the participants by Sandra De Taeye, director of Tourismusagentur Ostbelgien, who pointed out the importance of the Vennbahn as a key tourist attraction in East Belgium and the continuous work by the many stakeholders to provide the best offer and welcome to visitors. Greenways Outdoor overview. Mercedes Muñoz. European Greenways Association (EGWA) Director and Greenways Outdoor Coordinator. The EGWA director and coordinator of the project showed […]

Social Networks Prize Photo Contest
CONGRATULATIONS to David Clynch, the winner of the SPECIAL Social Networks Prize of the First edition of the European Greenways Photo Contest who took an amazing photo of Deise Greenway, the Waterford Greenway Group near Ballyvoile in Ireland and shared it will us and all of his friends on Facebook and Twitter! David’s photo had a great engagement with over 50 likes, comments and retweets which made him the direct winner of this prize. It was the picture with the most amount of points from all the pics we received from all over Europe. Thank you all for sharing your greenway photos with us! The photo contest is part of the EU project Greenways Outdoor and this particular SPECIAL Social Networks Prize, given to the person with the most points, it is offered by the EGWA and the Greenways Outdoor project, and it consists of two nights’ accommodation *** with breakfast for two people near one of the winning greenways of the 7th European Greenways Award 2015 (Excellence and Exemplary Initiatives categories): Nordbahntrasse Wuppertal / North-Rhine-Westphalia / Germany Plazaola Greenway / Navarra / Spain Koleje in Nový Jičín / Moravia-Silesia / Czech Republic Greenway between Flemish Ardennes and the Pays des Collines / Flanders / Walloon region / Belgium – […]

REGISTRATION IS OPEN EuroVelo, Greenways and Cycletourism conference!
On the 14th of October 2016, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) together with the European Greenways Association (EGWA) are holding the III Edition of their EuroVelo, Greenways and Cycle Tourism Conference in Vienna (Austria). The event is the main cycle tourism conference on the European level and brings together leading stakeholders in the cycle tourism field from across the continent. The III EuroVelo, Greenways and Cycle Tourism Conference will be held on October 14th 2016 at the Palais Niederosterreich in Vienna (Austria). In this edition in Vienna, the programme will be divided in two main blocks: – Product: focusing on the best experiences on cycle tourism from all around Europe. It will include presentations from tour operators, universities, European organisations and specialists on Greenways Outdoor (tourism products based on Greenways) and Silver Cyclists (cycling tourism for seniors). – Markets and clients: this block will focus on marketing Europe as a tourism destination, including experiences from all around the world on how to market cycle tourism and the impact of cycle tourism (monitoring). Due to the limited number of seats, we highly recommend you to register as soon as possible. National EuroVelo Coordinators and Coordination Centres (NECC/Nc) and EGWA members will have priority in case the number of registrations exceed […]

The 3rd Eurovelo, Greenways and Cycle Tourism Conference
On the 14th of October 2016 the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and the European Greenways Association (EGWA) organise a EuroVelo, Greenways and Cycling Tourism Conference in Vienna Austria. Like every other year, the conference is the opportunity to bring together leading experts working on cycle tourism, route development and other related fields from across the continent to learn about the latest developments and share best practices. The registrations for the event will be opened soon. Please stay tuned on the website and Follow us on social media! This conference is organized in the framework of the EU funded project Silver cyclist and Greenways Outdoor Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

Workshop “Greenways: Attracting new clients and selling the product”
“Greenways: Attracting new clients and selling the product”, is the next workshop that will be held on Friday 20 May/2016 at Bütgenbach (Belgium), As part of the Greenways Outdoor project. It will be followed by a technical visit at the awarded transborder greenway Vennbahn! The agenda is worth the trip! Preliminary program Workshop “Greenways: Attracting new clients and selling the product” Venue: Sport- und Freizeitzentrum Worriken – at the Building « Pavillon » Worriken 9; 4750 Bütgenbach (Belgium) Time: 9:15 – 12:30 + Technical visit: 14:00 -18:00 ____________________________________________________________________________ Objectives: To present the project Greenways Outdoors and to encourage stakeholders to generate tourism product around greenways. To share best practices in greenways infrastructure development, as key tool to develop cycle tourism. To present key elements to attract new clients and to implement successful marketing campaigns on greenways To provide key tips to create attractive cycle tourism packages linked to greenways. Addressed to: Tourism promotion and greenway management authorities; Local service and equipment providers (SMEs) around greenways; Tour operators and active and nature tourism agencies; Public authorities and private organisations that want to promote greenways for tourism in its territories; Potential tourists / end users. Program: 9:15 Registration 9:30 Words […]

EUROPEAN GREENWAYS PHOTO CONTEST OPEN CALL The European Greenways Association organizes the “European Greenways Photo Contest” in the framework of the European project Greenways Outdoor (co-founded by the Cosme programme of the European Union). The objective is to promote greenways as a suitable infrastructure for different groups to practise outdoor activities at any time of year. The European Greenways and all the elements around them are the protagonists of this competition. Participating photos should show the infrastructure itself (viaducts, tunnels, old railway buildings, canal towpaths, etc.), or users, heritage and natural attractions of the environment, places and singular elements, and especially the practice of activities by different kinds of users (cyclists, hikers, sports, families, etc.). There are 5 prizes for the best photos and a special prize for the picture with the best engagement on the social media networks: 1st PRIZE: 2 tickets in 1st class for a round trip to any of the Renfe-SNCF en cooperación / en cooperation 2nd PRIZE: 3 Day trip to Madrid for 2 people – visiting two greenways sponsored by Rutas Pangea 3rd PRIZE: 3 Day trip to Olvera for 2 people – sponsored by Fundación Vía Verde de la Sierra (FVVS) 4th PRIZE: […]

Greenways Outdoor at Fiets in Wandelbeurs 2016
20-21st February we have been promoting the European Greenways and the Greenways Outdoor project at Fiets en Wandelbeurs 2016, that is one of the most important specialized international fairs. For first time Greewnays Outdoors had a joint stand, shared by four partners members Furthermore we organized a conference to present “Greenways Outdoor” with the participation of all the partners in Utrecht, to reinforce the presence of the greenways at the fair. Moreover, it was held two more conferences about Spanish vías verdes, since Spain has been the invited country this year, that counted with a great participation and, a presentation from the Vennbahn at the press conference organized from Wallonie. These parallel events have included as well references about greenways outdoor project and have greatly contributed to enlarge the impact of the greenways at the fair. It was a great experience and we would like to thank everybody for their visit and support, especially our GO partners present at the fair Ostbelgien Eifel-Ardennen Vías Verdes – Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles Rutas Pangea Vía Verde De La Sierra Cádiz-Sevilla Comunidade Intermunicipal da Região Dão Lafões! It was also an opportunity to meet there other friends and EGWA members, as Vías verdes de Girona and Chemins de Rail promoting RAVEL. […]

“Greenways without borders and barriers” Workshop
On January 21 the European Greenways Association (EGWA) and Spanish Railways Foundation (hereinafter FFE) jointly organized the workshop “Greenways without borders and barriers”, within the framework of the European project Greenways Outdoor. This EU funded project is coordinated by the EGWA with FFE as one of the key team members. The workshop was attended by a large number of participants and the many interesting presentations can be seen at After some brief words of welcome from EGWA and the FFE, the Technical Workshop “Greenways Outdoor: Greenways without borders and barriers” started with a presentation by Ilona Lelonek, representing the DG GROW unit for Tourism, Emerging and Creative Industries of the European Commission, on European Union policies regarding sustainable tourism and how these policies can be funded. Ms. Lelonek highlighted the backing that the Commission provides to European greenways and, in particular, to the creation of a tourism product. The latter is one of the key objectives of the Greenways Outdoor project and is co-funded as part of the European Commission’s Cosme programme. Mercedes Muñoz, EGWA director and coordinator of the project, explained how the project’s main action strategies are being applied and highlighted some of the most important results, such as the creation of a catalogue of greenway-based touri sm products, the […]

Greenways Outdoor Coordination Meeting
The previous afternoon to the Fitur Workshop an internal meeting was held, focusing on the coordination of the various actions to be developed in the coming months, such as joint participation in European tourism trade fairs, the creation of a catalogue of greenway-based tourism products, sport events, workshops, and communication campaigns. Team partners during and after the meeting The general objective of the Greenways Outdoor project is the diversification of the tourism offer in Europe by generating new products relating to greenways and capitalizing on existing ones, thereby improving the competitiveness of the European greenway-based tourism industry, together with the joint promotion of greenways tourism products to make them better known internationally and so attract more visitors. The aim is also to strengthen public and private cooperation in order to facilitate the creation and promotion of the greenways tourism product. These objectives will be achieved through a combination of different actions and events and directed at SMEs, tour operators, public administrations, and other organizations interested in greenways, as well as the end customers themselves. Greenways Outdoor project is implemented by 10 Partners from 5 countries, (Spain, Latvia, Portugal, Italy and Belgium): European Greenways Association (co-ordinator European scope); Spanish Railways […]

Fitur workshop
“Greenways Outdoor” Creation and transnational promotion of outdoor tourism product linked to European Greenways Greenways great Outdoors without borders and barriers Greenways Outdoor: Vías Verdes sin fronteras ni barreras. Workshop Thursday 21/January/ 2015 Venue: Madrid, Spain (at FITUR International tourism fair; room A 9.13) Time: 10:30 – 14:30 Objectives: To present the project Greenways Outdoors To present key elements to generate successful tourism product around greenways: continuity of the greenways beyond administrative boundaries and accessibility. To present main requirements and constraints to generate tourism product, with concrete examples of initiatives coming from public and SME. To encourage greenways network to generate tourism product and to promote them at European level. Addressed to: Tourism promotion and greenway management authorities; Local service and equipment providers (SMEs) around greenways; Tour operators and active and nature tourism agencies; Public authorities and private organisations that want to promote greenways for tourism in its territories; Potential tourists / end users. Program (Preliminar): 10:00 – Registration 10:30 – 11:00 – Open act Representatives from: European Commission; Turespaña; EGWA and Spanish Railways Foundation (FFE). European Commission: “EU policy on sustainable tourism; EU funds opportunities for tourism and greenways” (tbc) 11:00 – 11:45 – Greenways Outdoor: the project […]

Tourism forum in R?zekne, Latvia
Presentation of cycling tourism development of Vidzeme by Mr. J?nis Sij?ts (including greenways and Greenways Outdoor project) region. This high-level conference brought together the Ministry representatives as well as planning experts and tourism professionals from all Latvia, but especially Eastern part. About 150 people participated at the event. Vidzeme Tourism Association, having had experience with cycling tourism development was asked to present the development of cycling tourism and cycling routes, including greenways. During the conference the GW Latvian and English maps were also distributed. Conference programme (in Latvian) can be found here: latgales-turisma-svarigs-faktors-konkuretspejiga Photos from the conference: Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

Namur Workshop
“Best practices on Greenways” how to develop tourism product around greenways? Workshop Thursday 15/October/ 2015 Venue: Namur, Belgium ; C/o Siège de Chemins du Rail – Rue van Opré 97 ; 5th floor 16:30 – 18:30 __________________________________________________________________ Objectives: To present the project to the EGWA members and network To present good practice examples of greenways to inspire other greenways. To encourage greenways network to generate tourism product and to promote them at European level. To request the collaboration of the greenways managers and promoters in the project, providing information on their tourism products and disseminating the project. Networking between partners and participants: how you can contribute to the project Greenways Outdoor and how the project can help your greenways to become better prepared for tourism and for being more internationaly well-known. Program: 1. Greenways Outdoor (20 min) Project General Overview. Methodology for the development of tourism product: the catalog of greenways product and services around greenways. Participation at the European Catalogue. Mercedes Muñoz, AEVV-EGWA Director – Lead Partner/Coordinator. 2. Best practices from the greenways Outdoor team partners (30 min) Examples of greenways in different stages of development. How are they working to generate tourism product? What are the results? What works and […]

Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia
Mercedes Muñoz and Raitis Sijats were speakers at the high-level conference «Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia», at the “Green Section”; Mercedes presented Greenways Outdoor project and Raitis completed the greenways overviews with the actions and recent experience of greenways in Latvia; they were very well received. Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

The 7th European Greenways Awards have been given on October 16th 2015 during the official ceremony in Namur (Belgium)
The 7th European Greenways Awards have been given on October 16th 2015 during the official ceremony in Namur (Belgium) Seven greenways from Germany, Belgium, Spain, United Kingdom and Czech Republic were awarded as reference of best practices in Europe. The Award ceremony was held in Namur (Belgium). The European Greenways Award was created in 2003 and has been held every two years since. EGWA has been delighted to receive 21 candidacies from 9 different countries, and wishes to thank all the candidates for the quality of their work and the effort done to provide very helpful information to the jury. In this 2015 edition the international jury has awarded projects in three categories: “Excellence”, “Exemplary Initiatives” and one special prize “Best Outdoor Tourism Product for Greenways”. The jury met in Brussels last September, and as specified in the award regulations, they set out to select 3 awards for the “Excellence” and “Exemplary Initiatives” categories and the special prize for the Best Outdoor Tourism Product For Greenways (*). We are pleased to announce that the award winners are: «Excellence» Category : 1st Prize: Nordbahntrasse Wuppertal (North-Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) presented by Wuppertalbewegung e.V. For the transformation of the 22 Km of an abandoned railway […]

Greenways Outdoor at the annual congress of DRC
EGWA had a stand at the annual congress of the Association des Departments et Regions Cyclables in Valence (France) 24-25 September to help promote Greenways Outdoors. This was a great opportunity to contact and promote the project in France, since we don’t have project partners from this country. We informed about project to the participants -public and private- and contacted with SME and association, as well as managers of cycle routes and greenways in France; in order to integrate information about tourism product on greenways in France. It was prepared and distributed a note of the project in French. Find out more here! Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

Meeting in Brussels of the jury of the 7th European Greenways Award
Jury members at meeting in Brussels The Jury of the 7th European Greenways Award was made up of experts whose professional background allowed them to approach, from a range of perspectives, the analysis of more than 20 exceptional candidates from 9 different countries. M. Pedro Ortún. Principal advisor, DG GROW, European Commission. Mr. Frederic Razee. Expert RAVeL – Mobilité douce. Cabinet du Vice-Président du Gouvernement Wallon et Ministre des Travaux Publics, de la Santé, de l’Action Sociale et du Patrimoine Mr. Andreas Versmann. European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)/NAT section (Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment. Mr. Bartlomiej Jesionkiewicz. Technical and Policy Adviser of EIM EIM aisbl (European Rail Infrastructure Managers) Mr. Hildebrand P.G. de Boer. Programme Director of European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH e.V.). Ms. Iulia Niculica. Administration and Institutional Affairs Project Manager, European Travel Commission (ETC) M. Gilbert Perrin – President EGWA. (Vote, in case of a tie vote) Jury was assisted technically by the EGWA representatives (with voice but without vote) Ms. Carmen Aycart, General Secretary and Ms. Mercedes Muñoz, Director and Jury Secretary. As laid down in the award regulations, the jury set out to select 3 awards for the categories Excellence and Exemplary Initiatives and 1 special […]

Kick off meeting Greenways Outdoor
“Greenways Outdoor” Creation and transnational promotion of outdoor tourism product linked to European Greenways Kick off meeting 2-3 July 2015 Objectives: Introduce the partners Detail the objectives and work plan Detail the Contractual, financial and implementation issues Networking & cooperation To know on the field the experience of an concrete greenway (infrastructure and SMS companies that base its activity in the greenway) + (Accommodation / lunch and dinner in SMS enterprises linked and located in the greenways) Agenda: Day 1 – Thursday 2 July 2015 17:00 Getting together. 19:00 Leaving from the Hacienda Minerva hotel (by car) 19:20 Welcomed of the Mayor of Doña Mencía at the Subbetica CycletourismCentre; visit to the micro enterprise specialized in tourism on greenways (Partner project – Subbetica Bikefriends). 20:00 Technical visit to Subbetica Greenway by bike (possible by card depending on the weather) 21: 30 Arrival at Hacienda Minerva hotel – (by car, possible by bike) 22: 00: Leaving for dinner at hotel Mencía Subbetica 23:15: End of the dinner and back to the hotel (Hacienda Minerva) (by food or bike) Day 2 – Friday 3 July 2015: 9.00 – Welcome Message and Round of Introductions [EGWA / […]

Greenways Outdoor at Velo-city
EGWA coordinator Mercedes Muñoz and President Gilbert Perrin, participated at Velo-city in Nantes, France. The purpose was to communicate the launch of the Greenways Outdoor project and to encourage participants to contribute with the project. More information about velo-city can be found here! Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin