Save the Date! 12th European Greenways Award 2025
The 12th edition of the European Greenways Award will take place on 9 October 2025 in Bizkaia (Basque Country, Spain) The European Greenways Association, Basquetour, and the Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles will organize the twelve edition of the European Greenways Awards 2025, in cooperation with the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. The award ceremony will be held 9th October in Abanto-Zierbena, a small locality in Bizkaia province that lies in a unique natural setting, just 20 minutes from Bilbao. >> See venue here In addition to the 12th Awards ceremony, there will be an international conference and a technical visit to one of the greenways of the region, the following day 10th October, in order to disseminate and promote the knowledge and use of the greenways in the region. EGWA is delighted to celebrate these prestigious awards in Euskadi with such outstanding co-organisers, members of EGWA and greatly committed to the development of greenways. > Save the date and Keep tuned!! Further info will follow soon > Be ready to apply! The European Greenways Association has been organising the prestigious European Greenways Award (EGA) every two years since 2003 to highlight the best practices, initiatives and achievements in Europe in relation to Greenways. >> Please, see information of the previous awards here. Share […]

Active mobility for sustainable tourism through inter-modality and greenways
Active mobility for sustainable tourism through inter-modality and greenways Greenways and cycle routes are a key offer to promote sustainable tourism and decarbonise transport by encouraging active mobility, especially by bike, while enjoying nature, culture and local gastronomy. Intermodality and quality infrastructure, services nearby, and the integration of these routes into the sustainable mobility plans are essential to harness their full potential and positive impact in transport decarbonization. Sustainable tourism through greenways and no-motorised routes: Greenways are a key tool for sustainable tourism and the decarbonisation mobility. They are safe, accessible and user friendly non-motorised communication routes, mainly created over disused railway lines and using canal towpaths. There are thousands of kilometres of greenways in Europe, especially in rural areas, and they have great potential for growth. Indeed, we estimate that there are approximately 30,000 km in Europe, of which around 20,000 km from former railway lines, which would represent just 20% of all abandoned railway lines. Greenway tourism, based on active mobility (cycling, walking, wheeling) benefits both local communities and visitors. This type of tourism has a very positive economic impact. In France, for example and regarding cycle tourism, 68 euros a day is what a tourist spends on […]

T4T stakeholder event & expert group plenary in Brussels
EGWA takes part in the Together for EU Tourism (T4T) stakeholder event & expert group plenary in Brussels Organised by the EC DG GROW past 14/October To share recent policy developments in the tourism sector at EU level EGWA participates in the stakeholder event on tourism & expert group plenary in Brussels organised by the EC DG GROW, represented by her director This event was held to share recent policy developments in the tourism sector at EU level. Presentations, were focus on EU Tourism Platform; supports to cultural and heritage tourism; how the AI Act impacts tourism, future travel requirements to Europe, and the new law on green claims and how it will affect the tourism industry. Examples of pledges were presented to inspire new actions. There was an opportunity for debate, in which the DG Move was also mentioned given the importance of cycling as a means of transport and the growing importance of cycle tourism, and therefore was also requested that it join the varied and expert representation from other tourism-related EC departments participating in the event. The recording of the livestream can be watch here. The presentations are available online. EC – DG Grow invite all stakeholders to check […]

Sport in Greenways: national final event in Court-Saint-Etienne
As a final event, an attractive bike ride along the #RAVeL and the presentation of the results of Sigway – Sport on Greenways took place in Court -St – Etienne The Final National Multiplier event consisted of a sports activity by bike along the Greenway, the RAVel (*) 141, and a presentation of the SIGWAY project and its main results in the municipality of Court. St – Etienne (Belgium), followed by a debate with the participants. All this organised in the framework of the ‘4e Mobility Village ‘ , within the European Mobility Week /4eme Cité de la Mobilité’ initiative of the City of Court-St-Etienne, in partnership with the parents’ association of Collège Saint-Etienne ; and co-organised with the stakeholders and members of EGWA, the Chemins du Rail Association, and the Commune of Court St-Etienne, that facilitated all the equipment for the presentations The activity started with an attractive and very well-organized bike ride on the #RAVeL 141 to the source of the Dyle (29 km), guided by Chemins du Rail, with explanations during the ride putting in value the connection of RaVel with the sport facilities and equipment’s. Afterward, we continued with the presentation of the results […]

SIGWAY European Stakeholders Final Event
The main aim of the European Stakeholders Multiplier Event was to share the results of the SIGWAY project and strengthen its sustainability. The final event consisted of a final conference and a cycling tour along a section of the greenway Aarschot – Herentals, of railway origin, and the Demer river. The European Stakeholders Multiplier Event was held on September 19th in the beautiful city of Aarschot (Belgium). The main aim was to share the results of the SIGWAY project and strengthen its sustainability. Around thirty representatives from eight countries participated: Spain, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia, Austria, Greece, Portugal, and Poland. Conference The final event consisted of a final conference, with presentations by partners giving an overview and results of the project. Particular reference was made to the pilot activities and recommendations for action to achieve more active greenways for sport and physical activity, targeting different types of stakeholders. Presentations were made by SIGWAY partners, experts in management and promotion of greenways. Key stakeholders, such as Vías Verdes and Vía Verde de la Sierra (Spain), presented good practices for the promotion of greenways, emphasising on sport and physical activity. This was followed by a dynamic round table involving project partners and the introduction […]

SIGWAY à Court-Saint-Étienne!
SIGWAY Sport in Greenways – Sport dans les voies vertes National Multiplier Event in Commune de Court-Saint-Etienne 22/September/2024 Événement national multiplicateur SIGWAY sport dans les voies vertes, à la commune de Court-Saint-Étienne, dans le cadre de la 4e village de la mobilité, dans la Semaine Européenne de la Mobilité. 10:30 Balade à vélo : RAVEL 141, aux sources de la Dyle (29 km). Balade à vélo dans la Valée de la Dyle, encadrée par les Chemins du Rails, principalement via le RAVeL, jusqu’au centre sportif de Genappe puis retour au lieu de départ . 𝟏𝟒𝐡𝟎𝟎 : Présentation du projet SIGWAY par l’Association européenne des Voies Vertes Présentation des principaux résultats du projet européen Erasmus SIGWAY Sport on Greenways, qui vise à promouvoir l’activité physique et le sport sur les voies vertes – RAVEL, avec l’intervention de Mercedes Muñoz Zamora, directrice de l’AEVV. Un aperçu d’exemples internationaux provenant de 6 pays, de programmes sportifs et d’actions concrètes pour promouvoir l’activité physique en vois vertes, et des idées pour organiser vos propres activités. Sport dans les Voies vertes pour la santé, le plaisir et l’environnement ! Co-organisé avec Chemins du Rail avec la collaboration de la commune de Court-Saint-Étienne, que […]

Sharing best practices of awarded greenways
Sharing best practices on greenways, as part of the EGWA’s pledges of the transition pathway for tourism. Discover the awarded Greenways and finalist 2023! The winning of the European Greenways Award 11 Edition held in Rome, and finalist entries are presented on the document, that includes the most relevant information about the candidacies. Key data, pictures, links to videos, and indications on how to get to the greenway, or for more information, are included. We encourage you to visit these greenways and get to know the recognised exemplary initiatives. They are examples from all over Europe, public and private, linked to greenways. Find out more details about the award winning and finalist greenways in the 11th edition 2023 held in Rome >> here In this way, we contribute to the dissemination of best practices, which take part of the EGWA’s pledges of the transition pathway for tourism, on different topics EGWA’s pledges for co-implementation of the transition Tourism pathway highlight the importance of greenways, and active mobility such as cycling and walking, for tourism and everyday life, and the need of safe and accessible non-motorised infrastructures. We strongly encourage you to get to know and enjoy these awarded greenways on foot, by bike, or wheeling. We […]

Greenways a great asset for Sport & Physical Activity
SPORT in GREENWAYS – SIGWAY European Stakeholders Multiplier Event: Greenways a great asset for Sport and Physical Activity SIGWAY aims to promote sport and healthy leisure activities outdoors by stimulating sports activities offer in greenways and potential greenways, while raising awareness on environmental issues and circular economy. Moreover, Sigway aims at enhancing sports field employability and local economies. The main aim of the European Stakeholders Multiplier Event is to share the results of the project and strengthen its sustainability. Venue: CULTURAL CENTER HET GASTHUIS – Mother Lutgardis room | Gasthuisstraat 22. Aarschot – Belgium 19th of September 2024 Program Summary 9:15-9:30 Registration 9:30-10:00 Words of Welcome 10:00 – 10:45 Presentations Project presentation_DEFOIN Piloting experiences_each partner Video projection_TREKIFY 10:45-11:15 Coffee break 11:15-12:30 Round Table Include short presentations of good practices from_EGWA experienced stakeholders, and an interactive session with the participants regarding: The great potential of reusing abandoned railways as infrastructure for outdoor sports. How to recover abandoned railways into greenways. How to transform unused greenways into actively used sport infrastructure. Greenways of railway origin as an example of circular economy and support […]

Sustainable mobility in the T4T
Active mobility for Sustainable Tourism Promoting active mobility in the Together for EU Tourism expert group Declarations on Cycling and the Mobility of Tomorrow to guide the future action in the EU. Investments of EUR 4.5 billion planned under Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 for cycling infrastructure, a great opportunity for greenways EGWA contributes to the Transition Pathway for Tourism through its participation in the group of experts with proposals, sharing and disseminating information, and the implementation of the Association’s pledges, basically oriented towards raising awareness, promotion and dissemination of good practices linked to active mobility on greenways. Trough the Togheter 4 EU Tourism informal Commission expert group, (Green subgroup / greening transport Taskforce) EGWA requests more visibility for cycle tourism and rural tourism through which many of the greenways run. The director of the Association regularly participates in activities promoted by the EC related to T4T. Among other the two-year anniversary event in Brussels, in where DG Grow presented the publication Transition pathway Taking stock of progress by 2023 (implementation of the Pledges by stakeholders) available at the different EU languages . The event presentations, as well as the recording of the event are accessible on the event dedicated […]

SIGWAY focus group
Focus group meetings in the framework of the SIGWAY Project. EGWA has organised three meetings, two addressed to Belgian representatives, and the third open to EGWA members at European level. Objective: to analyse and propose actions to transform abandoned railway lines into greenways, and/or better use. The aim of these meetings has been to analyse and propose actions to transform abandoned railway lines into greenways, and/or better use, in the case where they are already transformed, to improve the local economy and revitalise rural areas through sports and for physical and tourist activity EGWA has organised three focus meetings; the first two addressed to Belgian representatives, and the third open to EGWA members at European level. The variety of representatives, with a wide range of real-life experience, has allowed a rich and realistic exchange of points of view. In the case of Wallonia (BE), the priorities are now more focused on the connection of greenways and the improvement of existing ones. This is because the Walloon region has a well-developed and long-established greenway programme – the first greenway route was realised almost 30 years ago, and the vast majority of disused railway lines have already been converted. The progress of […]

SIGWAY pilot activities in Belgium
Two cycling activities on greenways in Wallonia, in Pays de Herve, and Herentals – Aarschot greenway. Get a good idea with the short videos and get your bike ready to enjoy and stay in shape.

Definition of greenways revised in UNECE
Definition of greenways revised in UNECE The EGWA presented a proposal to modify the definition of greenways to UNECE to better reflect the reality of what greenways are. This is the latest proposal included in the Unece documents, that takes up the proposal of the association, and is as follows. Greenway: A greenway is an independent road designated for non-motorized users, including pedestrians and cyclists, signposted as such. Its use might be open to other non-motorized users, for example horseback riders, if signed as such or defined in the national legislation. Explanatory note: This definition is proposed by GE.5. A greenway often follows a canal or a disused railroad. A greenway may include parts of the road dedicated for specific categories of its users, for example a soft shoulder for horseback riders. A greenway sign can be posted either by shared pedestrian/horse rider and cycle track sign or by a dedicated greenway sign, if such exists in the national legislation. Previous definition: Greenway: A greenway is a non-mandatory cycle track independent from the road network, which often follows a canal or a disused railroad. Its use is open to road users as sign posted or defined in the national legislation. […]

SIGWAY next implementation of pilot actions
SIGWAY Sport in Greenways: next implementation of pilot actions on site EGWA, with the support of their members, continue working on the organization of pilot sports and physical activity activities on greenways, as part of the SIGWAY project. Those corresponding to the EGWA are linked to cycling on greenways and aimed at young people. They are planned to be carried out in Belgium, Wallonia and Flanders, 16 and 17 March in: Herve , in collaboration with the Maison de Turisme de Pays d’Herve ; on the RAVEL line 38, winner of the 1st European Greenways Award 2021. Aarschot / Herentals withthe collaboration of the Province of Antwerp , and Café Welkom; on the greenway near Aarschot – Herentals Many thanks to our members, Anne Zinnen director of the Maison De Tourisme de Pays D’Herve, and Kris Rockele, from the outdoor leisure department of the province of Antwerp for their invaluable and essential support in carrying out these actions; without their direct help its realization would not be possible. Furthermore EGWA guides the partners, in this phase of the project, to identify the needs of the potential greenways selected by the project partners in their corresponding countries, for […]

New project proposal on Sustainable tourism for greenways ecosystem
EGWA jointly promoted, with the University of Milan, a new project application for the Single Market Programme (SMP), formerly COSME programme, to widely improve the sustainability of the greenways ecosystem, in particular of SMEs around greenways. The proposal is framed in the call Transitioning to a more sustainable and resilient ecosystem – empowering tourism SMEs (SMP-COSME-2023-TOURSME-01). The Project is called IMPRESSME – IMPRoving Sustainability for greenways-linked SMEs, and has as objective to develop and implement a support system in the greenways ecosystem to greatly advance towards the sustainability of the entire ecosystem (SMEs & territories). It will be carried out through a huge and continued awareness-raising actions on the importance of advancing on the pathway of the sustainability, through the: collection and dissemination of best practices (BP) of reference for policy makers, stakeholders and SMEs; training and capacity building of stakeholders and SMEs; personalized advice to SMEs linked to greenways regarding sustainability (environmental, social, governance), that will help them to carry out an action plan for their transformation; direct aid for the implementation of collaborative plans that improve the competitiveness and positioning of those SMEs in the market, on the basis of sustainability, resilience and capacity of adaptation to changing […]

Overview of the Rome conference at the European Greenways Award
Conference on Greenways and Sustainable Tourism in Europe, European Greenways Award. Rome 20th November 21 speakers from all over Europe sharing real experiences linked to 11 countries: Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France, Poland, and cross-border Poland/Czech Republic, Latvia, Belgium, Serbia, Germany, and Europe as a whole. More than 100 participants enjoyed learning about new initiatives and sharing their passion for greenways and for moving towards a more sustainable tourism in Europe, based on greenways, non-motorised itineraries, active mobility and public transport, in an incomparable setting in Rome, in the Campidoglio overlooking the ancient Roman Forum. Welcome messages from the co-organising institutions in Rome (RFI, and Roma Capitale) expressing their clear commitment to the transformation of tourism and sustainable travel, based on active mobility at local and national level. Promotion of the use of the train as part of the tourist experience, and valorisation of disused railway infrastructures. Clear commitment of European Greenways to the green transition of tourism, disseminating good practices that can inspire new actions in Europe. Giving visibility to the importance of national greenways programmes, (“Ecopistas” in Portugal, “30 years of the greenways programme” in Spain), the promotion of the reuse of disused railway heritage (Italy), as examples […]

11EGA in pictures
The Conference Greenways and Sustainable Tourisme: 21 speakers from all over Europe sharing real experiences linked to 11 countries and Europe as a whole. More than 100 participants enjoyed learning about new initiatives and sharing their passion for greenways and for moving towards a more sustainable tourism in Europe. >> The breaks on the Campidoglio terrace: a great opportunity to exchange in an incomparable setting, with a wonderful views to the Roman Forum. The Awards Ceremony: Nine greenways from Ireland, Italy, Poland, Germany, Spain, Serbia, Czechia, and Latvia, have been awarded as reference of best practices in Europe. >> The visit to the Musei Capitolini. The main municipal museum structure in Rome, home to the symbol of the city, Capitoline Wolf (Lupa Capitolina) >> The technical visit. From the railway line to cycle-pedestrian path: the cycle-pedestrian path from Monte Mario to Saint Peter’s will act as a “New Urban Francigena” which will lead pilgrims to Saint Peter’s, in a safe way. Info in English Info in Italian Credits 11th European Greenways Awards. Roma. 20 November 2023 Excellence: >>1st Prize: Royal Canal Greenway. Waterways Ireland. Giulio Senes, President of the European […]

11European Greenways Award has been given in Rome
The 11th European Greenways Awards have been given on November 20 2023 during the official ceremony in Rome (Italy) Nine greenways from Ireland, Italy, Poland, Germany, Spain, Serbia, Czechia, and Latvia, have been awarded as reference of best practices in Europe. The Award ceremony was held in Rome (Italy) The European Greenways Award was created in 2003 and has been held every two years since. The objective is to promote examples of best practices and to support their replication for other greenways all over Europe. The European Greenways Award is granted only to greenways under the Lille Declaration, as well as to initiatives already in existence. EGWA has been delighted to receive 32 candidacies from 13 countries, the highest number of candidacies received so far and we warmly thank all participants for responding to the call. In this 2023 edition the international jury meet 12 July 2023, has awarded projects in three categories: “Excellence”, “Exemplary Initiatives” and one special award on “Green transition in Greenways”. This special award is part of the activities promoted by EGWA in the co-implementation of the Transition Pathway for Tourism, to recognise initiatives addressing green transition challenges in the greenways ecosystem, and to showcase how […]

Greenways at the PEP/EHP meeting in Madrid
European Greenways present at THE PEP/EHP Partnership on Healthy and Active Mobility meeting in Madrid 26-27 October. EGWA has presented good practices of greenways, linked to active mobility in Europe, at the expert meeting. The meeting of THE PEP / EHP Partnership on Healthy Active Mobility, was focus on cycling. Hosted by the Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. In her presentation, the director of the EGWA addressed three lines of action on which the association is working. The first of these is linked to the green transition of tourism. In this line, examples of greenways and sustainable (active) mobility from Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Germany, and Italy, all of which have been recognised with the European Greenways Award, were presented. These examples are part of the commitments (“Pledges”) of the EGWA concerning the co-implementation of the transition pathway for tourism “Together for EU Tourism” in which the European Association participates. The aim is to disseminate good practices that showcase success stories, which can inspire new examples based on these initiatives and contribute to the transformation of tourism. A second block included different examples from the HANDBOOK: 7 cases of successful sport activities in greenways, implemented in Austria, […]

Greenways in the inaugural meeting of T4T
The inaugural meeting of the Together for EU Tourism (T4T) Expert Group took place on September 29 in Brussels It was hosted by the DG GROW -Tourism & Textiles, and chaired by Marie-Hélène Pradines, Head of Unit. The EGWA director participated in the meeting as member of the T4T Expert Group The agenda included the final composition of the Expert Group T4T and its sub-groups, the follow-up of the pledges for the tourism transition pathway, the report of the sub-groups and the work plan for 2024. The Expert Group is composed of 3 sub-groups: Green transition Digital transition Resilience / inclusion / skills EGWA is integrated in the subgroup “Green Transition”. With a view to the work in 2024, 4 tasks-forces have been set up in the “Green” sub-group to address the four priorities selected by this sub-group for next year, which are as follows: Taskforce 1: Decarbonising the transport sector (incl. green mobility): Taskforce 2: Addressing changing holiday patterns due to climate change Taskforce 3: Boosting waste reduction and management in the tourism ecosystem Taskforce 4: Measuring the environmental impact of products and services (green labels, indicators) The EGWA will tak part in the task force “Decarbonising the transport […]

International Conference on Greenways and Sustainable Tourism
International Conference on Greenways and Sustainable Tourism Date: Thursday 21st September, New date 20 November 2023 Venue: Sala della Protomoteca. Piazza del Campidoglio, 1 – Roma (Italy) The international conference is organized on the occasion of the 11th European Greenways Award 2023 Award giving ceremony, that will be held on Monday 20 November in Roma. It is jointly organized by the European Greenways Association , Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, and the Associazione Italiana Greenways, with the patronage of Roma Capitale. >> Participation is Free Prior Registration required >> Registration is now re-open!! >> ENGLISH / ITALIAN Program 10.30 Guest and Press Registration Welcome coffee 11.00 Welcome and Institutional Greetings Ilaria Maggiorotti, Head of Asset Strategy Advisory, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) Giulio Senes, President European Greenways Association (EGWA) 11:10 Welcome address Eugenio Patanè, City Councillor for Mobility City of Rome Mariano Angelucci, President, Permanent Commission for Tourism, City of Rome Giovanni Zannola, President Permanent Commission for Mobility, City of Rome Manolo Cipolla, Member of the Board Rete Ferroviaria Italiana 11.30 Session 1: European Strategies and National programs Greenways in Europe. Mercedes Muñoz Zamora, Director of the European Greenways Association (EGWA) Sustainable Tourism in Europe. European Tourism Agenda. Ramune Genzbigelyte-Venturi, Policy officer for Tourism, […]

Jury meeting of the 11th European Greenways Award 2023
Jury meeting of the 11th European Greenways Award 2023 The jury of the 11th European Greenways Award was composed of a panel of experts with different expertise to approach, from different perspectives, the analysis of the 24 excellent shortlisted applications from 11 different countries: Ms. Ramune Genzbigelyte-Venturi. Policy officer-Tourism. European Commission. DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Unit GROW G1 – Tourism and Textiles Ms. Dorota Tomalak. Deputy Head of Unit. Secretariat of the Commission for Natural Resources. European Committee of the Regions Ms. Veronika Sárik. Technical Manager – EIM – European Rail Infrastructure Managers Ms. Iulia Niculica. Head of Administration. European Travel Commission Ms. Alessandra Bonfanti. Legambiente. National Responsible for Mobility Mr Giulio Senes – President EGWA. (1) Italy/ EGWA , and Ms. Mercedes Muñoz, Jury Secretary – EGWA Director (1) Vote, in case of a tie vote / (2) With voice but without vote. >> The winners will be announced in Rome on Thursday, September 21st 2023 The awards contribute to the promotion of best practices in greenways, to encourage the qualitative development of these new facilities open to the general public in Europe, that are “Communication routes reserved exclusively for non-motorised journeys. These routes should meet satisfactory […]

SIGWAY Sport training of trainers in Slovakia
The SIGWAY Project team members and representatives of stakeholders participate in meetings and training held in Ruzomberok, Slovakia, from 27 to 29 June. Objective: training and preparation of sports and physical activity program on greenways. The concept of greenways, their interest for sport and daily physical activity (cycling, walking, wheeling), and the BPs identified in the countries represented, were also recalled. In addition, the EGWA prepared practical information on circular economy, to raise awareness of this important issue when preparing sport and physical activies on greenways. The presentation includes concrete actions proposals of good practices adressed to organisers of sports and active leisure activities , related to circular economy, that is also an objective of the this EU funded project. 3 intensive days with meetings in room, including the participation on-line of Kris Rockelé, (Antwerp Provincie, and EGWA member) to plan a patchwork of very attractive sport and physical activities, for young’s, woman and seniors that will be carried out in the coming months in greenways, current or potential in the countries represented in the consortium. The program included also outdoor activities, as a visit by bike to the Cyklokorytnička greenway, in Ružomberok, of aprox 23 km long, […]

New Deadline/ Nouveau délai /Nuevo plazo/ Following requests, the deadline for the submission of candidacies for the 11th European Greenways Award 2023 has been extended to: Wednesday 21st June 2023 / Mercredi 21 June 2023/ Miércoles 21 June 2023 Thank you for your interest in participating! Nous vous remercions de votre intérêt à participer ! ¡Gracias por su interés en participar! >> Regulations and Application forms: 11th European Greenways Award 2023 #GreenwaysEurope #GreenwaysAward2023 Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

11th EGA 2023: OPEN CALL!
>> Call for candidacies for the 11th European Greenways Award 2023 >> Deadline for applications: Wednesday 14 June 2023 The European Greenways Association (EGWA) announces the call for candidacies for the 11th European Greenways Award (EGA) 2023 organised by EGWA in co-operation with the the EGWA in cooperation with Rete Ferroviaria Italiana and the Associazione Italiana Greenways. The awards ceremony will take place on September 21st in Rome, in Italy. The objective is to promote examples of best practices and to support their replication on other greenways all over Europe. The European Greenways Award will only be granted to greenways under the Lille Declaration, as well as to initiatives already in existence. This biennial award will recognise examples of greenways best practices in three categories: A) Excellence awards In this category the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded to three exemplary greenways that show the best integration of the various characteristics which define greenways (Art. 1 of Regulations) and that also demonstrate specific strengths which, in the opinion of the jury, make them exemplary. (…) B) Exemplary initiatives A 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize will be awarded to exemplary initiatives carried out in relation to greenways. This category is open to any activity related […]

First results of the SIGWAY project
The first results of the SIGWAY project are now available! They consist of 2 reports giving an overview of greenways in the 7 countries participating in the project, and examples of good practice in sport and active leisure activities in Spain, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia, Austria, Italy, Greece and Portugal. Both reports include an introductory summary of the situation in the different countries and best practices, prepared by EGWA, which has guided the research as the lead partner for this part of the work. Each country report has been prepared by the respective project partner, who is responsible for its content. 1/ National report on the current network of sport greenways in each country The objectives of the report are: To have the general information on the existing greenways in each represented country, and the main characteristics of their development. To know the specific characteristics that favour the development of outdoor sports and leisure activities in greenways, and what conditions make them successful, through concrete examples. Offer a global overview of the situation of the greenways and the sports activities and physical activity that take place in the represented countries. Identify outstanding examples of greenways, which can serve as a […]

EU cycling strategy & Greenways
European Parliament resolution of 16 February 2023 on developing an EU cycling strategy (2022/2909(RSP) ) The resolution considers that cycling should be recognised as a fully-fledged mode of transport. The EP calls on the Commission to develop a specific European cycling strategy with the aim of doubling the number of Km cycled in Europe by 2030. It encourages regional and local governments to significantly build safe, segregated and accessible cycling infrastructure. The EP take into account a range of EU actions and initiatives, linked to the achievement of climate targets, the beneficial health effects, and the opportunity to grow the European cycling industry, and jobs. The resolution calls for the construction of safe cycling infrastructure to exploit the full potential of cycling as a valuable alternative for short distance journeys. The EP resolution makes detailed reference to cycling in urban environments, but also emphasises the importance of supporting cycle tourism and cycling in rural areas. It specifically call for support to accelerate the development of EuroVelo, and to exploit synergies with the TEN-T network. Including the realisation of cycle paths parallel to railways and inland waterways, wherever possible. The EP calls on the Commission and […]

Strong presence of greenways at FITUR 2023
A strong presence of greenways at FITUR 2023, and of cycle tourism in general. The FITUR 2023 fair has been an excellent occasion for presentations and dissemination of new tourism products based on greenways; signing of collaboration agreements, meetings with EGWA partners and friends of the greenways, and exploring future plans. >> We attended presentations and round tables on greenways to back up the action of our members in favour of greenways. Common message in the presentations: the great transformation that greenways have brought about and the need for optimal maintenance, demanded by citizens and companies that focus their activity on these non-motorised routes, and which constitute a major economic resource for the territories through which they run. > We received the visit of Paulo Rodrigues, manager of the National Plan of Ecopistas of Portugal, of IP Patrimonio, who presented the new brochure of Ecopistas. We learned first-hand about the advances in infrastructures and governance in the Portuguese ecopistas, and explored new possibilities for closer international collaboration to advance an Iberian vision of greenways. In this sense, possibilities for collaboration can be opened up in the framework of the agreement signed […]

EGWA in the European Tourism Forum 2022 in Prague
EGWA will present at the 21st European Tourism Forum, about “Tourism Transition Pathway”. The Forum is organised by the Czech Presidency together with the European Commission. EGWA have been invited to present at the 21st European Tourism Forum, about “Tourism Transition Pathway” and examples of good practice in its implementation, and it will be an honour to present in this important event. The Ministry of Regional Development will host the European Tourism Forum on 15th November 2022 at the Congress Centre in Prague, which will be one of the most important events in the field of tourism this year. On 15th November, the speakers will include representatives of the European Commission, experts and representatives of other institutions according to the selected topic, both from the Czech Republic and abroad. (For further details, please see: https://www.mmr.cz/en/microsites/pres/akce/evropske-forum-cestovniho-ruchu-(1)) The program will be divided into four thematic blocks: 1) Package Travel Directive (PTD) – lessons learned from pandemic 2) Short-Term Rentals Regulation (STR) 3) Transition Pathway for Tourism (TTP) as a basis for the European Agenda for Tourism 2030 4) Tourism marketing activities – recent trends EGWA presentation is scheduled in block 3, Transition Pathway for Tourism (TTP) as a basis for the European Agenda for Tourism 2030 This will be a great opportunity to insist […]

Study visit to the award-winning greenway Line-38, and Racour station in Belgium.
Study visit to the award-winning greenway Line-38 Herve Aubel section, and Racour station in Belgium. Representatives from 8 European countries have participated. The visit is part of the final conference of the OurwAy project, Interreg Europe. Tuesday 27th September, a study visit by bike took take place on the greenway (RAVEL), from Liège to Aachen on lines 38/39 (Herve – Aubel section), awarded with the first European prize in the 10th EGA, category Excellence. The objective was to share with the partners and stakeholders of the OurWay project Good Practices on the ground in the realisation of greenways, services, and facilities linked to non-motorised, cycling and walking infrastructure so that they can replicate them in a form adapted to their territories. The visited greenway, Ravel L-38 combines excellent infrastructure and services, which favour daily mobility, tourism, and leisure in a highly attractive rural environment. Thirty-five representatives from eight countries (Spain, Belgium, Ireland, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, France, and Italy) participated in the visit, and were welcomed by the Director of the Pays D’Herve Tourist Office, Anne Zinnen, and her friendly staff. The director explained the role of the Pays d’Herve tourist office, the cooperation of municipalities to promote tourism in […]

Stakeholder’ event – Togheter for EU Tourism
The European Commision, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship & SMEs organised a stakeholder event on 13 September to update on the transition pathway related developments and received pledges. The objective was to increase and support engagement in the transition pathway co-implementation with concrete actions. The event was organized in hybrid format, physically in Brussels and the online participation All the presentations of the event are available online at the event web page: EU Tourism transition pathway stakeholder meeting (europa.eu) Presentations Introduction by Marie-Helene Pradines, Head of Unit Directorate-General for Industry & SMEs Unit G1 Tourism, textiles Four lenses to the Transition Pathway for Tourism by Directorate-General for Industry & SMEs Tourism team Industrial Forum Task force 2 feedback by Luis Campos, Co-curator Industrial forum TF2 for Tourism Overview of T4T pledges and commitments by Kirsti Ala-Mutka, Policy officer Directorate-General for Industry & SMEs Example pledges from Ile-de-France region, Françoise Guaspare, Senior policy officer Example pledges from Azores DMO by Carolina Mendonça, Coordinator Example pledges from European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT) by Ivor Ambrose, Managing Director Example pledges from Booking.com by Inge Janssen, Director of Public Affairs EMEA, Example pledges from EcoMarine Malta by Patrizia Patti, Founder Example pledges from NECSTouR by […]

OURWAY Final Conference – SAVE THE DATE!
OURWAY Final Conference “Greenways, a must to sustainable tourism’ Tourism is today among the top priorities of the European political agenda as tourism ecosystem was the hardest hit by the pandemic. We have seen the launching of the Transition pathway for tourism and we look forward to know more about the European Agenda for Tourism 2030/2050 in order to support the green and digital transitions of the European tourism and strengthen its competitiveness. The Interreg Europe project “OURWAY: Preservation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage through Greenways” comes to an end and the project partners believe that the results can contribute significantly to the new European Agenda on Tourism and, in particular, to the conservation, protection, promotion and development of European natural and cultural heritage through the use of Greenways. To this end, the Project consortium has worked to improve public policies related to the cultural and natural quality of the territories involved, in particular Tourism, as a hugely important policy for our regions’ sustainable economic, social and environmental development. We would like to share with all of you the results of our project and reflect together about the input into the new European Agenda for tourism. PLEASE […]

Taking part in the co-implementation of tourism transition
EGWA takes part in the co-implementation of the Transition Pathway for Tourism EGWA has contributed to the European Commission’s call for the co-implementation of the Transition Pathway for Tourism, proposing concrete actions to undertake. Pledges of the Association are included in the EC publication summarising the commitments and pledges made by stakeholders. The European Commission has published the results of the first collected commitments and pledges made by tourism stakeholders, responding to its call for commitments published in February 2022. You can download it here: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/news/tourism-organisations-take-concrete-steps-green-and-digital-transition-2022-06-28_en See on the European Commission web page the list of 112 organisations that have sent commitments, and the list of 186 concrete pledges. The published pledges covering 25 of the 27 transition pathway topics. EC mentions that there are many more pledges in the pipeline, still being elaborated and clarified by their submitters to be published during the next round. EGWA is one of the organisations that responded to the European Commission with concrete pledges, to contribute to the co-implementation of the Transition Pathway for Tourism. It is worth noting that although in meetings and in the written contribution during the process of the “Co-creation Transition Pathway for tourism “ we insisted on the need to promote safe cycling […]

Participating in greenways seminars in Latvia
The seminars were organised by the Latvian Greenways Association and held in Keipene and Gulbene. EGWA Director presented European Greenways best practices that can inspire new actions in Latvia, as part of the EU Interreg project “Greenways Riga-Vilaka”. The seminars involved local administrations promoting greenways and private sector stakeholders who have set up businesses in the vicinity of greenways, in particular in former railway stations. EGWA director presented best practices in European greenways that can inspire new actions in Latvia, as part of the Interreg project “Greenways Riga-Vilaka”. It was a great opportunity to see the great progress and increase of public and private initiatives involved in the development of greenways in Latvia! => Transforming disused railway tracks as greenways. => Recovery of collapsed bridges and building new ones => Rehabilitation of old stations for tourist uses, community activity centers, museums. => Strong commitment to move forward with new greenways projects! The finishing touch was a “chance meeting” with the Latvian Minister of Transport on the way home. Sincere thanks to Minister Talis Linkaits for his support for greenway initiatives, and for listening carefully to our proposals for moving forward, enhancing services around greenways, improvements in intermodality with public transport, […]

Kick-off- meeting of SIGWAY
Launch of the European project SIGWAY, Sport in Greenways. The kick-off- meeting of the SIGWAY, Sport in Greenways project was held in Madrid on 6-7 June. The project is carried out in the framework of the Eramus + Sport call. The meetings were combined with a visit by bike to the Tajuña greenway. The aim of the project is to promote sport and healthy leisure activities outdoors by stimulating sports activities offer in greenways and potential greenways while raising awareness on environmental issues and circular economy. Moreover, SIGWAY aims to enhancing sports field employability and local economies. It has been two intense days of meetings for the coordination and planning of the project, and direct exchange and knowledge sharing between the partners. EGWA is a member of the consortium which is composed of 7 partners from the following countries: Spain, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Italy, Greece, and Portugal. In addition to the meetings, the partners participated in a visit to the Tajuña Greenway in the Ambite section, promoted by the EGWA, so that the partners could familiarise themselves with the concept of greenways and learn about the opportunities offered by these non-motorised and accessible infrastructures for outdoor sports. Marta Navarro, […]

Ourway study visit to Ireland
Study visit to Ireland from 31 May to 1 June, organised by Northern and Western Regional Assembly (NWRA), in Carrick-on-Shannon. A very interesting and attractive agenda combining presentations and visits by bike. We learn about the great experiences of Greenways in Ireland, and their strong socio-economic benefits thanks to the presentations from: Áine Carr, Leitrim Co. Co. – “Leitrim Greenways – “Socio Economic Benefits” Sharon Lavin, Head of Marketing, Waterways Ireland – “Blueway Development – How It Has Evolved” Seamus Gibbons (Electric Bike Trails Owners) – “Business to Benefit from Cycleway” Michael Fitzsimons, Fáilte Ireland – Greenway Visitor Experience & Development Toolkit and Greenway Industry Supports . An opportunity to discover the beauty of the Leitrim’s greenways, in particular the Shannon Blueway. Cycle from Leitrim to Drumshanbo (about 10 Km) along the banks of the Shannon Erne Canal and enjoy the iconic Acres Lake Floating Boardwalk in Drumshanbo. Visit the Sliabh an Iarainn Visitor Centre, and then on to the Jackalope Café , in The Shed Distillery, Drumshanbo, Leitrim for Lunch and visit. Day 2 was organised as an itinerant tour with presentations in the room, in two of the most popular places […]

Greenways Europe presented to the PEP expert group
EGWA presented Greenways Europe iniciative to the PEP (Pan-European Transport, Health & Environment Programme) experts’ working group on Sustainable Tourism Mobility. The two days partnership meeting in Madrid was focused on setting the scope of the partnership and the tool-kit to push forward sustainable mobility in tourism. Part of the expert group meeting focused on specific initiatives in the field of cycle tourism, which included the presentations of greenways: the Spanish “Vias Verdes Program”, and the European initiative, presented by the EGWA. The meeting was hosted by the Spanish Railways Foundation, and was organised by Spanish Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism. Many thanks for the invite! A pleasure to contribute and spread the word on greenways as great infrastructure for sustainable tourism mobility Supported by the secretariats of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Transport and Environment Divisions in Geneva and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe) in Copenhagen, THE PEP is a unique policy platform that seeks to encourage transport policymakers and urban planners to consider the health and environmental impacts of transport, and address them through shared policy approaches. […]

Ojos Negros greenway 20th anniversary
The Ojos Negros greenway celebrates its 20th anniversary We joined the celebrations in Jérica, a beautiful village crossed by the Greenway. We took part in one of the cultural and recreational events organised by the Regional Ministry of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility of the Valencian Community, in collaboration with the stakeholders involved, wich was held in different places along the greenway, to commemorate the transformation of the former Sierra Menera mining railway into the Ojos Negros Greenway. It has been an opportunity to celebrate achievements: the greenway has become an essential element of these territories and are a backbone for enjoying their natural heritage values and tourist elements, and for active sustainable mobility. It is highly valued by the local community. the international recognition with the 3rd European Greenways Award 2022 Also to learn first-hand about the plans underway and the clear commitment of the two regional administrations, and the local corporations to improve and extend the greenway. Great plans that are becoming a reality for sustainable mobility, and tourism, and active recreation. Black Eyes Greenway / Vía Verde de Ojos Negros: Complete greenway 5 km long, the longest in Spain, wich runs through 2 regions (Aragon and […]

OurWay Steering Committee in Vratsa
Sixth meeting of the OurWay Steering Committee (27-28 April. Vratsa, (Bulgaria) The aim of the 6th Steering Group meeting was to review the status of the Action Plans, to arrange the next steps, and to learn on site about examples of the Best Practices proposed by our hosts, which are linked to tourist attractions in the Vratsa district and make up a part of Bulgaria’s national tourist sites. This meeting was the first face-to-face gathering of the Steering Group after COVID Overview of the main results of the partners’ Action Plans Region of Murcia (Lead Partner) and Consorcio de las Vías Verdes de la Región de Murcia, Spain An extensive promotion of the greenways of the region of Murcia, which includes a new slogan, “Life in every step“, network campaigns and plans to transform the website to a more tourist and multilingual webpage. In addition, and very relevant, the strengthening of collaboration with the administrations responsible for tourism and stakeholders. A very attractive pilot action, creation of a cycle-rail, the implementation of which is proving to be a considerable challenge. It will be the First Spanish rail-cycle trolley. It consists in using rails of a disused section of […]

OurWay Study visit to Murcia
OurWay Study visit to Murcia on 5-6 April. >> Two intense days to learn in detail the best practices of the greenways of the Region of Murcia, which inspired the project partners from Poland and Ireland in the design of their action plans. >> EGWA was closely involved in the technical preparation of the study visit and the round table, which also moderated. The objective of the visit was to learn in detail the good practices proposed by the region of Murcia in the OurWay , an Interreg Europe project, in order to support the implementation of the action plans of the visiting partners from Poland and Ireland. The agenda included a Seminar and a field visit. The Seminar was held at the Murcia Tourism Institute and was attended by the general directors of the European Union and the Tourism Institute, members of the General Directorate of the Natural Environment, and representatives of the Consortium of Greenways of the Murcia Region, the European Greenways Association, and stakeholders directly involved in the development of the Good Practices linked to the Greenway of the Northwest of Murcia. In addition, to the OurWay partners from Poland and Ireland-who had selected the best […]

EGWA statement in solidarity with Ukrainia
EGWA in solidarity with Ukrainia We would like to express our deepest sorrow and warmest solidarity with Ukrainian people, that are suffering and dying after the unexpected escalation of violence since February 23 in the Ukrainian territory. We are witnessing to a catastrophic humanitarian crisis on our European continent. We support Ukrainian communities, as well as other people impacted by the invasion. We encourage every person to help in any way possible, as we are already doing personally in the best way each one can. We thank and support our members close to the borders who are helping greenways friends and refugees. We will continue doing our best to contribute to a better Europe by promoting greenways as a safe and sustainable transport infrastructure for non-motorised use for all. This is our small contribution to help to reduce energy consumption and dependence, now more important than ever. We condemn the invasion and call to the Russian authorities to stop this aggression. All the members of EGWA Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

The 10th European Greenways Awards have been given
The 10th European Greenways Awards have been given on September 30 2021 during the official ceremony in Valencia (Spain) Nine greenways from Belgium, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, were awarded as reference of best practices in Europe. The Award ceremony was held in Valencia (Spain). The European Greenways Award was created in 2003 and has been held every two years since. The objective is to promote examples of best practices and to support their replication for other greenways all over Europe. The European Greenways Award is granted only to greenways under the Lille Declaration, as well as to initiatives already in existence. EGWA has been delighted to receive 31 candidacies from 11 countries, the highest number of candidacies received so far and we warmly thank all participants for responding to the call. In this 20121 edition the international jury meet on line 24 June, has awarded projects in three categories: “Excellence”, “Exemplary Initiatives” and one Special European Greenways Award EYR 2021. This special award is part of the activities included in the European Year of Rail 2021 (EYR), Stakeholders Initiatives. We are pleased to announce that the award winners are: EXCELLENCE category 1st Prize: From Liège to Aachen by […]

International Conference on Greenways, Mobility, Leisure and Tourism
The international conference and the ulterior visit on 1st October are organized on the occasion of the 10th European Greenways Award 2021 ceremony, that will be held on Thursday 30th September 2021 in Valencia.

Meeting of the Jury of the 10th European Greenways Award
Online meeting of jury members of the 10th European Greenways Award 2021 The jury of the 10th European Greenways Award was composed of experts whose professional background qualified them to approach, from different perspectives, the analysis of the 20 excellent shortlisted candidacies from 10 different countries: Kirsti ALA-MUTKA – DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Unit GROW G1 – Tourism and Textiles. European Commission Piet JASPAERT – Vice-President Europa Nostra. Gilles KITTEL – Team Manager–European Commission –DG for Regional Policy and Urban Policy. Iulia NICULICA – Funding, Procurement & Development Manager –European Travel Commission. Ms Veronika SARIK EIM , Technical Advisor (European Rail Infrastructure Managers). Mr Giulio Senes – President EGWA. (1) EGWA Vote, in case of a tie vote The jury was technically supported by the EGWA representatives (with voice but without vote) Ms. Arantxa Hernández, General Secretary, and Ms. Mercedes Muñoz, Director and Jury Secretary. As laid down in the award regulations, the jury set out to select a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize for the Excellence and Exemplary Initiative categories, and one single prize for the Special European Greenways Award EYR 2021. This special award is part of the activities included in the European Year of Rail […]

OurWay Action Plans
Actions Plans of OurWay, an Interreg Europe project (PreservatiOn and promotion of cultural and natural heritage through GreenWAYs.) The aim of Interreg Europe program is to help regional and local governments across Europe to develop and deliver a better policy, trough the best practices sharing and policy learning. First Phase of the Interreg project covers 5 semesters and is dedicated to inter-regional learning based on the exchange of experiences and study visits that serve as inspiration to improve the policies of the territories represented in the project, through the Action Plans (APs). These APs are the essential result of the project. The AP is a document providing details on how the lessons learnt and exchange of experience from the interregional cooperation will be exploited in order to improve the regional policy instruments. The Action Plan specifies the nature of the actions to be implemented, their time frame, stakeholders involved, the cost, and funding sources. In the case of OurWay, the good practices and, subsequently, the APs, have been aimed at learning about good practices that allow improvements in Preservation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage through GreenWAYs regarding : Governance, Promotion Funding The Action Plans prepared by the six […]

New Deadline/ Nouveau délai /Nuevo plazo/ Following requests, the deadline for the submission of candidacies for the 10th European Greenways Award 2021 has been extended to: Tuesday 8 June 2021 / Mardi 8 June 2021/ Martes 8 Junio 2021 Thank you for your interest in participating! Nous vous remercions de votre intérêt à participer ! ¡Gracias por su interés en participar! >> Regulations and Application forms: 10th European Greenways Award 2021 #GreenwaysEurope #GreenwaysAward2021 Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

Special Award EYR 2021
In the European Year of Rail 2021, the Special European Greenways EYR 2021 Award will recompense initiatives that put in value the railway heritage /or tourism products that promote the use of the trains to access to greenways.

Interview with Gilbert Perrin in the “European Year of Rail”
In the “European Year of Rail” we publish an interview with Gilbert Perrin, a leading pioneer of the greenways movement in Europe, promoter of the transformation of abandoned railway lines into greenways in Belgium and co-founder of the European Greenways Association.

Call for candidacies for the 10th European Greenways Award 2021 (Deadline for applications: Thursday 27th May 2021) The European Greenways Association (EGWA) announces the call for candidacies for the 10th European Greenways Award (EGA) 2021 organised by EGWA in co-operation with the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencia Region), through the Regional Ministry of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility and the Spanish Railways Foundation (FFE). The awards ceremony will take place on September 30th in Valencia. The objective is to promote examples of best practices and to support their replication on other greenways all over Europe. The European Greenways Award will only be granted to greenways under the Lille Declaration, as well as to initiatives already in existence. This biennial award will recognise examples of greenways best practices in three categories: A) Excellence awards In this category the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded to three exemplary greenways that show the best integration of the various characteristics which define greenways (Art. 1 of Regulations) and that also demonstrate specific strengths which, in the opinion of the jury, make them exemplary. (… B) Exemplary initiatives A 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize will be awarded to exemplary initiatives carried out in relation to greenways. This category is open to any activity related to […]

Valencia will host the 10th edition of the European Greenways Awards 2021
Valencia will host the 10th edition of the European Greenways Awards 2021 The Region of Valencia, the European Greenways Association and the Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles will sign an agreement for the celebration of the tenth edition of the European Greenways Awards 2021 to be held in September in Valencia. In addition to the awards ceremony, there will be an international conference and a technical visit to one of the Greenways of the region, in order to disseminate and promote the knowledge and use of the greenways in the region. 26 February 2021. The Valencian Generalitat (Valencia Region), through the Regional Ministry of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility the European Greenways Association (EGWA) and the Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles will sign a collaboration agreement, which main objective is the organisation of the European Greenways Awards. In addition to the he 10th European Greenways Award, which will be held in the Valencian region in September, this agreement includes, an International Conference on Tourism, Cycling and Greenways and a technical visit to one of the Valencia region greenways. The Generalitat, through the Conselleria de Política Territorial, Obres Públiques i Mobilitat ((Regional Ministry of Territorial Policy, Public Works and […]

EU tourism recovery: priorities and funding
Info about the European Tourism Convention and the latest news on EU tourism recovery: priorities and funding opportunities: Feedback on the European Tourism convention workshop Greener Holidays; The plenary session; Funding opportunities for tourism & greenways ; Campaing:Tourism part of National Recovery and Resilience Plans; Actions to undertake – Practical recommendations.

EGWA in the European Tourism Convention
EGWA & Greenways in the European Tourism Convention next 12/10/2020 Following nine consecutive years of growth, the EU tourism ecosystem is among the hardest hit by the global COVID-19 pandemic affecting Europe since early 2020. The European Commission is organising the European Tourism Convention on 12th October 2020. The Convention will launch a dialogue on sustainable recovery and the strategic orientations for the tourism of tomorrow and guide future work and cooperation on tourism (towards a European Agenda for Tourism 2050). In the framework of the European Tourism Convention, the European Commission will organise three on-line thematic workshops, which will be held in parallel in the morning of 12th October: 1. Safe and Seamless Tourism Experience, 2. Greener Holidays, and 3. Tourism Powered by Data The aim of the workshops is to map key issues, generate a discussion about the challenges and opportunities of the EU tourism sector linked with the three topics mentioned above and propose a set of SMART action points to be presented and discussed during the Plenary of the European Tourism Convention in the afternoon. Each workshop will gather up to 30 participants, including representatives of the EU institutions, representatives of public authorities, European sectorial industry […]

3rd Interregional Thematic Workshop of the OurWay Project
3rd Interregional Thematic Workshop of the OurWay Project Tourism Promotion and product development. The 3rd “Tourism Promotion and product development ” seminar took place on 17th July 2020 organised by the Hérault Department and held online due to the pandemic. Improving the promotion and marketing of the tourism product; enhancing services and meeting customer expectation, and measuring the economic impact of the itineraries are some of the key elements mentioned in the seminar. Marie Passieux, Vice-President responsible for Youth, Sports and Leisure at the Hérault Departmental council outlined the framework of tourism and cycling policy in the Hérault Department: Very important role to the bike. L’Hérault has a strategic policy regarding cycling and cycle tourism with defined objectives. The department is responsible for tourism and sports; tourist offices are the first step to proximity; it is the main tourist area in the Occitanie region. The Departmental Tourism Development Plan has an axis dedicated to tourism by bike and the “Bike Plan” (2019), which integrates different uses of the bicycle, gives a very important weight to tourism. Soft mobility is a priority of their policy. They want to promote tourism and all year-round slow itinerant tourism as a source […]

Greenways & EGWA in “We are Europe” campaign
Greenways & EGWA are represented in “We are Europe” campaign The European Travel Commission partners with Euronews to create a unifying post-COVID-19 media campaign reflecting on the beauty, diversity and soul of Europe. To get involved in the campaign, you can download the toolkit and follow the step-by-step instructions here. Press Release “We are Europe” tourism campaign launched on Euronews EGWA is an signatory organization for the “Tourism for Growth and Jobs” Manifesto, calling on the European Commission and Parliament to give more attention to tourism as an important driver for growth and employment. Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

Advancing in the Actions Plans of OurWay in times of COVID
The action plans will serve to improve the territories represented, with concrete actions to make their cultural and natural resources more visible, attractive and accessible to more domestic and internationals tourists. In these plans there will be a greater or lesser extent of the presence of greenways.

Find out the main results of the Greenways Heritage project
Discover 15 amazing itineraries that combine greenways and UNESCO cultural heritage, with the help of the Greenways Heritage GIS Tour and Story Map. Find out how new technologies are being applied to other greenways and UNESCO and get ideas for innovative actions involving your own greenway. Surprise yourself with the heritage re-interpretation of the UNESCO sites and cycle routes using augmented reality – 360º virtual reality. Learn from the clear results of the surveys to take better advantage of the combination of these two resources (greenways + UNESCO Heritage) ⇒ Tourism GIS web app The latest GIS (geographical information system) technology was employed to produce a Tourism GIS web app that can be used on any device, with details of 15 combined greenway-heritage site itineraries in 10 countries. The app provides attractive and comprehensive information on greenways and UNESCO heritage situated in the proximity, in addition to services and other attractions available. A Story Map app was also created for each of the 15 itineraries, enabling the user to view georeferenced images of the itineraries, videos and even 360º virtual reality images of the attraction sites. Both apps are extremely useful for tourists, tourism product developers […]

Identification of financial instruments and funding for Greenways
3rd Steering Group Meeting & 2nd Interregional Thematic Workshop of the OurWay Project. Original and successful local development initiatives in the beautiful Bieszczady Mountains in Podkarpackie. Funding opportunities for tourism and greenways, linked to the promotion and management of cultural and natural heritage. Development of greenways as the perfect way to promote the natural and cultural resources of the region. The 2nd Interregional Thematic Workshop “Identification of financial instruments and funding for Greenways” was held in Rzeszów, Poland, on 24 – 25 September 2019, together with the 3rd Steering Group Meeting of the OurWay project.The first day saw a visit to the Bieszczady Mountains to get to know different entrepreneurial and local development initiatives on the ground. The local panorama was completed with presentations by stakeholders and other interest groups for attendees to learn about greenways in Poland and other experiences and initiatives underway in the territory. The 3rd Steering Group Meeting was also held at the same location.The second day was set aside for the thematic workshop, which focused on the identification of financial instruments for greenways, with presentations from partners and stakeholders in the Podkarpackie region. There was also an opportunity for the project partners to exchange ideas […]

International Workshop Greenways Heritage in Milan
International Workshop in Milan & Study Tour along the Naviglio Pavese Greenway, 24 -25 October 2019 Thursday 24th October International Greenways Heritage Workshop: “Development and promotion of a transnational cultural tourism product linked to Greenways and UNESCO cultural sites” 14:00 – Registration Section 1: Greenways Heritage Project Results 14:40 – The “Greenways Heritage” Project – Mercedes Muñoz, European Greenways Association 15:00 – The “Greenways Heritage” Touristic GIS and Web-App – Giulio Senes, Roberto Rovelli, Gianpaolo Cirone, University of Milan (Italy) 15:20 – “Greenways Heritage”: quality protocol and visitor profile – Giulio Senes, Roberto Rovelli, Gianpaolo Cirone, University of Milan (Italy) 15:40 – 360° and augmented reality experience for UNESCO sites and greenways – Els Van Zele, City of Mechelen (Belgium) 16:00 – “Greenways Heritage” Touristic Product – Arantxa Hernández Colorado, Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles – Vias Verdes Program (Spain) 16:20 – “Greenways Heritage” Promotion & communication – Nuno Ferreira, Inter-municipal Community of Ave (Portugal) 16:40 – Coffee break Section 2: Key stakeholders’ experiences 17:00 – The Voghera-Varzi Greenway and the Pavia provincial soft mobility network – Paolo Gramigna, Province of Pavia (Italy). See video. 17:20 – Soft mobility and cultural heritage in Italy – Anna Donati, Italian Soft Mobility Alliance […]

The 9th European Greenways Awards have been given on September 5th 2019 during the official ceremony in Dikli, Vidzeme. (Latvia)
Six greenways from Latvia, Czechia, Austria and Spain were awarded as reference of best practices in Europe. The Award ceremony was held in Dikli, Vidzeme region (Latvia), and had the participation of the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Justice, and other authorities. The European Greenways Award was created in 2003 and has been held every two years since, to recognize greenway projects that stand out for their excellence and demonstration of best practice. In this 2019 edition the international jury met in Brussels on 10 July 2019, has awarded projects in two categories: “Excellence”, “Exemplary Initiatives” and one Special award (*), to recognize an Innovative action or product to improve the info and experience for tourists. EXCELLENCE CATEGORY 1st Prize: Green Railways in Latvia and Estonia /Latvia–Estonia, presented by Vidzeme Tourism Association/Vidzeme region, Latvia For the first extensive greenways network in Northern Latvia and Southern Estonia. In a very short time (less than 3 years), a network about 300 km long has been created, using the former railway lines to enhance the value of the history and heritage of the railway. Great results based on excellent cross border cooperation and a comprehensive, meaningful public-private partnership, including some 90 […]

Greenways Heritage & European Greenways Award in Latvia
Greenways Heritage & European Greenways Award in Latvia The final Conference of the Greenways Heritage EU co-funded Cosme project and the gala Dinner of the 9th European Greenways Award will be held on 5 September 2019, in Vidzeme region in Latvia. Overwiew of the program: Thursday 5th September 2019 9:00 – 12:00 Project partners meeting – Greenways Heritage 13:00 – 18:00 Final Conference Greenways Heritage “Enhancing Heritage and Innovation: shaping the future of greenways” (open) The conference will feature: Main outputs of the Greenways Heritage project. With special focus on key messages and tools to put in value greenways and cultural heritage nearby: Integrating cultural heritage into itineraries to create more attractive routes. Using technological tools for informing and enrich the experience of tourist about Greenways and cultural and natural heritage. Promoting and selling greenways and UNESCO as common destinations Governance to manage and promote greenways and heritage nearby. How to finance greenways integrating the natural and cultural assets nearby? Best practices to set up, manage and promote greenways and heritage in Europe, based on useful examples. Program of the Conference 13:00 – 13:30 Registration / Coffee 13:30 – 13:50 Opening. […]

Meeting in Brussels of the jury of the 9th European Greenways Award
Jury members at meeting in Brussels The Jury of the 9th European Greenways Award was made up of experts whose professional background allowed them to approach, from a range of perspectives, the analysis of the exceptional candidates from 7 different countries. Ms. Girma Anuskeviciute – DG GROW, Unit F4 – Tourism, Emerging and Creative Industries. European Commission Ms. Anne GRADY. European Commission. Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC). Unit D.1 – Cultural Policy Ms. Ilaria MAGGIOROTTI, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana R.F.I. S.p.A. Responsible of the disused railways Mr. Javier MORENO. Technical Advisor of EIM aisbl (European Rail Infrastructure Managers) Mr. Ignace Schops. Director. President EUROPARC Federation Mr. Giulio SENES: EGWA President of the EGWA (Vote, in case of a tie vote) The jury was assisted technically by Isabelle Dullaert (Waloon region and Vice-president EGWA), Gilbert Perrin, (Chemind du Rail and past president of the EGWA) and Mercedes Muñoz (EGWA director and jury Secretary). As laid down in the award regulations, the jury set out to select 3 awards for the categories Excellence and Exemplary Initiatives and 1 special award for “Exemplary innovative action / product to improve the info and experience for tourist”; this last one being part of the activities included in […]

Greenways Heritage Study Tour in Flanders and Wallonia
Greenways Heritage next open activities in Flandres & Wallonie (Belgium) Tuesday 21 May 2019: 10 -12: Workshop Greenways Heritage about cycle tourism and cultural heritage: innovation through the use of new technology Press conference. Venue: Museum Hof van Busleyden – Mechelen: Visit by bike (*) along greenways from Averbode to UNESCO Beguinage of Diest in the afternoon. (*) Previous confirmation required. Reservation until 15 May: Kris.ROCKELE[at]provincieantwerpen.be PROGRAM 10.00 hours: Welcome by Björn Siffer, (political representative of the city of Mechelen). 10.15 hours: Jan De Haes, (political representative of the Province of Antwerp): “The innovation in leisure industry and cycle tourism: opportunities and treats for SMEs”. 10.30 hours: Mercedes Muñoz, (director of European Greenways Association (EGWA), project coordinator): “Greenways Heritage: state of affairs (project status) and future actions in this COSME-EU funded project”. 10.45 hours: Giulio Senes, (Milan University): “Greenways Heritage and Touristic GIS/multiplatform Web-GIS based application: opportunities for SMEs in Europe”. 11.00 hours: Bram Van Oost, (marketing manager of POPPR): “The development of Augmented Routes for the cultural and creative industry: the app we are launching today”. 11:15 hours: Melissa Geerts, (coordinator – heritage consultant De Merode): “The beguinages of Mechelen and Diest: a paradise for heritage lovers and slow tourism […]

Greenways Outdoor in the Showcase conference on tourism
Greenways Outdoor coordinated by the EGWA has been one of the selected examples by the EC to show case the Added-value of EU support for tourism projects under the COSME Programme. Full info: https://bit.ly/2TZI0GT Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

OurWay Project visits Ireland
The 2nd Steering Group Meeting & 1st Interregional Thematic Workshop of the OurWay Project, held in Westport, County Mayo (Ireland), on 5-6 March 2019. This was a great opportunity to learn all about the Irish Greenways strategy and, in particular, the successful Great Western Greenway in County Mayo, at the Northern and Western Regional Assembly (NWRA), the hosting project partner. A few months ago, the Irish government approved The Greenways Strategy – Strategy for the Future Development of National and Regional Greenways, promoted by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. The strategy was devised through cross-departmental collaboration and with contributions from all kinds of interested parties, in a process which took more than one year to complete. Right up until the final approval stage, the design was open to the participation of all interested parties and enjoyed the substantial involvement of various government departments, authorities and stakeholders at local, regional and national level. Ireland’s greenways are based on the concept outlined in the EGWA’s Lille Declaration. This first seminar provided us with a great opportunity to learn about the whole process in depth, at first hand from the key players involved in the process. Specific examples of the development of greenways and […]

VI European Greenways Conference 2019
VI European Greenways Conference. Greenways, much more than sustainable infrastructure for tourism development. Vitoria-Gasteiz, (Spain) 4 – 5 April 2019 Palacio de Congresos Europa Organized by: Basquetour, the European Greenways Association and the Spanish Railways Foundation. ⇒ download the program here: English / Spanish / Euskera Programme DAY 1: 4 April 2019 8:30 – 9:00. Welcome and registration 9:00 – 9:30. Opening speeches Isabel Muela López, Deputy Minister of Trade and Tourism. Basque Government. Giulio Senes, President, European Greenways Association. José Carlos Domínguez Curiel, CEO, Spanish Railways Foundation. 9:30 – 10:30. Session 1: The Greenways in Regional, National and European Policies and Strategies Regional development instruments need to make provision for greenways to enable projects to be developed and funded. Greenways, a European initiative. Mercedes Muñoz, Director, European Greenways Association. The Irish Strategy for the Future Development of National and Regional Greenways. Derek O’Neill, Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport. The Nature Paths and Greenways Programme. Jorge Figueira. Programme Coordinator. Directorate-General for Rural Development, Innovation and Forestry Policy. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Video Sesion 1 (Original version English or Spanish) 10:30 – 11:50 Session 2: Industrial Heritage and Greenways The valorization of the industrial heritage sites along the greenways: one objective of greenway […]

Greenways + UNESCO Heritage, uniting destinations
Workshop Greenways Heritage at FITUR International Tourism Fair. Madrid, Friday 25 January 2019; 11-14h. Co-organized by the Spanish Railways Foundation with the cooperation of the European Greenways Association. This event is part of the Greenways Heritage Project, co funded by the COSME program of the European Commission. The aim of the project is the development and diversification of the European tourism offer by generating new tourism products related to heritage greenways and UNESCO cultural heritage sites located nearby. Addressed to: Tourism promotion and greenway management authorities; UNESCO sites management authorities; Local service and equipment providers (SMEs) around greenways; Tour operators and active and nature tourism agencies specialized in greenways, cultural and nature tourism; Public authorities and private organisations that want to promote greenways and cultural heritage for tourism in its territories; Potential tourists / end users. See the program here Registration here Further info about Greenways Heritage project here Venue: FITUR International Tourism Fair. Av. Partenón, Nº 5, 28042 Madrid. (Room N 110). Greenways Heritage Project partners: Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

Workshop UNESCO sites and Greenways, in Portugal
Next Workshop “UNESCO sites and Greenways, a common destination” These events are organized in the framework of the Greenways Heritage project, in the city of Guimarães ⇒ Historic centre of Guimarães is World Heritage Site (WHS) ⇒ The Ecopista of Guimarães, as greenways are called in Portugal, is about 14 km long, between Guimarães and Fafe and uses the old railway line of Guimaraes. Date/Data: Encontro: Quinta-feira/ Thursday /29 de Noviembre 2018 Venue/Local: Sociedade Martins Sarmento, Rua Paio Galvão, Guimarães, Portugal. Language / Idioma: Portuguese / English with simultaneous translation from / to Objetivos: Dar a conhecer o projeto europeu Greenways HERITAGE (Ecovias e património UNESCO) e as oportunidades de cooperação em Portugal. Favorecer a participação público-privada na criação de produtos turísticos e iniciativas para o aproveitamento turístico, vinculadas à promoção do património UNESCO e Ecovias na Europa. Promover a aplicação das novas tecnologias para informar os visitantes e melhorar o conhecimento do património cultural existente no território. Favorecer o intercambio e a cooperação europeia, no âmbito do projeto Greenways HERITAGE: como os territórios que contam com património UNESCO e “Greenways” podem contribuir para o projeto e como o projeto europeu pode ajudá-los a estar melhor preparados para o turismo […]

Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the EGWA in Namur
Fantastic celebration of the 20th anniversary of the EGWA in Namur, (Belgium) The event was held on June 29 and 30 and attracted attendees from 13 countries. A useful and festive programme combining symposium, gala dinner, and bike trip round Namur and the local greenways. Fantastic gathering of the greenways family to celebrate EGWA’s 20th anniversary, which served to demonstrate the consolidation of the greenways concept and its expansion throughout Europe, together with the key role played by EGWA and its partners. The celebration took place on June 29 and 30 and was organized and sponsored by the Walloon Region in Namur, capital of Wallonia, where the Association had been created in 1998. The event brought together many old friends and introduced them to new players in the development of greenways from all over Europe. The event featured a useful and festive programme made up of various activities, which encouraged a lively exchange of ideas and experiences, in a very friendly atmosphere a truly delightful setting. These were the activities: Experience exchange symposium A festive evening with a musical gala dinner and a surprise performance by the amazing stilt walkers, the Echasseurs de Namur The following day a morning bike […]

EGWA 20 Years Later – The symposium, presentations available
The experience exchange symposium Namur, Belgium. Friday June 29th, 2018, Presentations available for download (in English or French); See the outline of the symposium and events here 08:45 Welcome Opening speech 09:15 Frédéric Razée. Minister of Public Works, Walloon Region (Belgium) 09:25 Start. Adrien Joveneau, moderator At the beginning… 09:30 Why is it necessary to go to the USA to hear about Spanish Vias Verdes ? Gilbert Perrin, EGWA and association Chemins du Rail (Belgium) 09:40 From the Walloon RAVeL to the European greenways, the role of the Walloon Region. Marc Bovin, member of the cabinet of the Michel Lebrun, former Minister (Belgium) 09:55 A vision for Reconnecting America : the trigger toward a European Greenways Association. Paul Labovitz (USA) 10:10 EGWA’s birth, the challenges. Joaquín Jiménez, 1st president of EGWA (Spain) 10:25 Break EGWA’s benefits – The progress in the concept of greenways 10:45 Start. Adrien Joveneau, moderator 10:50 The importance of former railway lines, cross border connections. Christoph Hendrich, Tourism Agency of the East of Belgium (Belgium) 11:05 The influence of other countries on a national project: The results in the […]

Greenways and UNESCO sites a common destination
Greenways and UNESCO sites a common destination. Activities and opportunities of cooperation. Workshop & Working meeting. Namur (Belgium) Thursday 28 June 2018 – 16:30 Venue: C/o Siège de Chemins du Rail – Rue van Opré 97 ; 5th floor – Namur Objectives: → To present the new EU funded project Greenways Heritage to the EGWA members and greenways network, and the opportunities of cooperation → To encourage greenways network to cooperate and to request the contribution to the project from partners outside the consortium. → To promote the application of new technologies to inform visitors and to improve the knowledge of the existing cultural heritage of the territory. → Networking between partners and participants: how you can contribute to the project Greenways Heritage and how the project can help your greenways and Cultural resources to become better prepared for tourism and for being more internationally well-known. Program Greenways Heritage (10′) Project General Overview: Greenways and UNESCO sites a winning duo. Mercedes Muñoz, AEVV-EGWA – Lead Partner/Coordinator. Detailed content of the work and opportunities to participate in the different actions of Greenways Heritage. (40′) Team partners: Arantxa Hernández, FFE Vias Verdes; Giulio Senes Milan University; Kris Rokelé and representatives from Stad Mechelen / Provincie Antwerpen, Mercedes […]

Launching of the european project Greenways HERITAGE in Burgos
Greenways HERITAGE, international presentation for press, authorities and stakeholders. Date: Wednesdady 6 June 2018; 5:00 p.m. – Museum of the Human Evolution, Burgos, Spain, Lanzamiento internacional del proyecto europeo “Greenways HERITAGE” Fecha: 6 Junio – 5:00 Burgos, Museo de la Evolución Humana Program – (Spanish) – Presentación a prensa, autoridades y grupos de interés El proyecto europeo Greenways HERITAGE. Mercedes Muñoz, coordinadora del proyecto y directora de la Asociación Europea de vías Verdes (EGWA) Patrimonio UNESCO en Burgos y Castilla y León. Javier Ramírez, Director General de Turismo de Castilla y León. El Programa de Caminos Naturales en Castilla y León. Gustavo Bada.Jefe del Área de Informática de la Subdirección General de Fomento del Desarrollo Rural del Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente Vías Verdes y Patrimonio UNESCO en Castilla y León. Arantxa Hernández, Jefa del área de Vías Verdes de la Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles. The presentation to the press, authorities and stakeholders will be followed by a visit to the museum at 6:00 p.m. ⇒ The Internal Kick-off meeting of the Greenways Heritage for project […]

EGWA Celebrates 20th Anniversary
The European Greenways Association will celebrate its 20th anniversary on June 29 and 30 in Namur (Belgium), the city where it was born on January 8, 1998, with the patronage of the Walloon Region. Friday 29th will be dedicated to a big meeting/conference for us to exchange experiences and viewpoints, after which there will be a festive musical evening. On the Saturday we will have the opportunity to discover Namur and its greenways at the crossroads of European cycle routes. It will be a grand reunion of the greenways “family” who, over the years, have contributed towards the launch, dissemination and consolidation of greenways in Europe as quality infrastructures for active tourism and sustainable mobility. Here at EGWA we would like to give our sincerest thanks to the Walloon Region for having made possible the organization of this gathering of European greenways and to Chemins du Rail, to the speakers from the various countries for giving their time so generously to share their experiences with us, and to all the attendees, experts in the subject, and friends of the greenways, who for sure will make this event a memorable one. We would be delighted if you could take part. We do […]

Greenways HERITAGE new EU funded project
New EU funded project Greenways HERITAGE EGWA will co-ordinate this new EU project funded under the COSME programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The general objective of the project is the development and diversification of the European tourism offer by generating new tourism products related to heritage greenways and UNESCO cultural heritage sites located nearby. This is to be achieved by widely disseminating this appealing offer in order to attract more tourists and to generate an economic impact on territories which have both UNESCO sites and greenways, and in particular on the SMEs located in their vicinity. To promote the use of new technologies applied to greenways and UNESCO sites to better inform tourists and so enhance their experience. To achieve this objective various types of concrete actions will be implemented: The creation of product and generation of an offer of tourism packages of greenways and UNESCO sites, and “go as you please” trip proposals. Work with local companies to improve competitiveness. Meetings promoting Public Private Partnership (PPP) To improve useful information for tourists by using new information technologies (web-GIS multi-platform with information on cultural sites and related greenways; Furthermore a specific example […]

“Greenways4ALL Final Conference in Portugal
“Greenways4ALL final conference” – Registration is open Now!! Date: Thuesday 14 November 2017, Monçao, Portugal. Please keep tuned for updates.

The 8th European Greenways Awards have been given
Seven greenways from Belgium, Serbia, Portugal, Spain and Ireland were awarded as reference of best practices in Europe. The Award ceremony was held in Adare, Limerick Co. (Ireland)).

Workshop on “European Greenways”
“European Greenways: an opportunity for local and sustainable tourism development” Date: Thursday 28 September, 2017 – 2-5pm Venue: Dunraven Arms Hotel – Main St, Adare, Co. Limerick, Ireland. Objectives: To provide an overview of European greenways, paying special attention to Ireland. To present examples of greenway best practices as avenues of local and tourism development that can be replicated in other European territories. To encourage interested parties to continue to develop greenways in Europe, with reference to funding opportunities for implementation and promotion. Exchange and networking among greenway promotors and managers in order to foster mutual collaboration. Addressed to: tourism promotion and greenway management authorities; public authorities and private organizations wishing to promote greenways for tourism in their territories; local service and equipment providers (SMEs) in the vicinity of greenways. Press & Media. Program: 2-2:30 Opening speeches. Giulio Senes, President European Greenways Association. Brian Kennedy, Senior Executive Officer, Economic Development, Limerick City & County Council. 2:30 – 3:30 European Greenways. Overview with special focus on Ireland. European Greenways an asset for sustainable tourism. Mercedes Muñoz, Director, European Greenways Association. (Europe) Greenways in Ireland, the current network and development plan strategy. Derek O’Neill. Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (the Transport Section) (Ireland). […]

The Greenways4ALL catalogue includes currently 10 products of Accessible Tourism around Greenways from Spain and Portugal.

Recent meeting in Brussels of the jury of the 8th European Greenways Award
Recent meeting in Brussels of the jury of the 8th European Greenways Award The jury of the 8th European Greenways Award was made up of experts whose professional background allowed them to approach the assessment of the excellent candidates from Austria, Belgium, Serbia, Czech Republic, Spain, and Portugal from a wide range of perspectives. Iulia Niculica. Operations and Administration Manager, European Travel Commission (ETC). Tommaso Spanevello. Legal manager of EIM aisbl (European Rail Infrastructure Managers). Sarah Holden – Irish Regions Brussels Office. Coordinator for the Irish delegation to the Committee of the Regions. Alessandra Bonfanti. Legambiente – Responsible for soft mobility. Giulio Senes – President EGWA. (Vote, in case of a tie vote) Jury was assisted technically by the EGWA representatives (with voice but without vote) Ms. Arantxa Hernández, General Secretary, M. Gilbert Perrin, Member of the Executive Committee and past President and Ms. Mercedes Muñoz, Director and Jury Secretary. As laid down in the award regulations, the jury set out to make 3 awards for the categories Excellence, Exemplary Initiatives, and a special award from the jury to recognize a particularly admirable greenway. The winners will be announced in Limerick (Ireland) on Thursday September 28, 2017 The 8th European Greenways Award […]

How to Make Accessible Greenways?
Key recommendations for making greenways accessible When designing accessible greenways we need to take into consideration a set of minimum, technical, accessibility-related criteria in order to ensure that greenways can be used and enjoyed by everyone – including people with disabilities – under safe and comfortable conditions. Accessibility to natural spaces has been less well developed than accessibility in urban environments. For this reason we believe it is essential to provide some guidelines that can be implemented not only on greenways but also in any action carried out in natural areas, such as paths, nature trails, etc. We are confident that this brochure will help European greenway planners and managers to develop initiatives aimed at improving accessibility along their routes and making greenways an integrating element for the development of accessible tourism experiences and products. All this technical information, best practices for accessible greenways in Europe, and plenty more besides is available in the Greenways4ALL “Practical Guide to Opening Up the Territory to Accessible Greenways”. (in Spanish). Brochures are available in English, Spanish and Portuguese Download from http://greenways4all.org/publications/ Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

Call for candidacies for the 8 th European Greenways Award 2017
Call for candidacies for the 8 th European Greenways Award (Deadline: Wednesday 26 April 2017) The European Greenways Association (EGWA) announces the call for candidacies for the 8th European Greenways Award (EGA) 2017, organised by EGWA in co-operation with the Limerick City and County Council. The objective is to promote examples of best practice and to support their replication on other greenways all over Europe. The European Greenways Award will only be granted to greenways under the Lille Declaration, as well as to initiatives already in existence. This biennial award will recognise examples of greenway best practice in two categories: a) Excellence awards In this category the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded to three exemplary greenways that show the best integration of the various characteristics that define greenways (Art. 1 of Regulations) and which also demonstrate specific strengths which, in the opinion of the jury, make them exemplary. (…) b) Exemplary initiatives A 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize will be awarded to exemplary initiatives carried out in relation to greenways. This category is open to any activity related to greenways in its broadest sense: (…) Deadline for receipt of candidacies: Wednesday 26 April 2017 Regulations, Applications forms and updated info: europeangreenwaysaward.org The awards ceremony will be held on Thursday 28th […]

“Local Accessibility Agreement” for La Sierra Greenway and Ecopista do Dao
Local Accessibility Agreements were signed by EGWA members La Sierra Greenway and Ecopista Do Dão as part of the Greenways4All project In the month of October representatives from PREDIF (Representative State Platform for Physically Disabled Persons) and the Spanish Railway Foundation met managers from two Greenways4ALL project members, La Sierra Greenway (Cadiz-Seville) and Ecopista do Dão (Viseu, Portugal), at two events whose purpose was to train the technical staff of each area in matters of accessibility. At the close of each event a “Local Accessibility Agreement” was signed by the host greenway. The “Local Accessibility Agreement” for La Sierra Greenway (Cadiz-Seville) was reached during the event held on October 19 and 20 at Olvera station. Representatives from PREDIF and the Spanish Railway Foundation (FFE), in collaboration with the La Sierra Greenway Foundation, organized a training workshop for greenway managers and owners of tourism establishments. This event included a technical visit to and an accessibility assessment of a stretch of the greenway and of a number of different types of establishments such as accommodation, restaurants and an interpretation centre. The schedule also included a presentation and a short dissemination session on accessible tourism and greenways. In the framework of this event […]

Conference “Accessible Tourism on European Greenways: Greenways for All” September 30 in Madrid
Conference “Accessible Tourism on European Greenways: Greenways for All” The European Greenways Association and the Spanish Railways Foundation, as project coordinator partner of “Greenways4ALL” project organize on Friday, September 30, the first conference of this European project which began last July 1, 2016. The conference will take place at the FFE headquarters (C / Santa Isabel, 44, Madrid). The conference “Accessible Tourism on European Greenways: Greenways for All” aims to publicize the “Greenways4ALL” project and share experiences on accessible tourism, improving accessibility around greenways and the dissemination of these routes as resources for all. It is aimed at political and technical professionals at national and regional level, county councils, municipalities, greenways managers, experts, entrepreneurs and workers in the tourism sector, the third sector and specialized media. View Program and presentations >> Registration Form >> The conference is the starting point of the European project Greenways4ALL with the aim of moving towards a product that meets the value chain of accessibility; from the accessible travel path to an accessible experience. Thus, accessibility is the common element to all resources that integrate the tourism product: walking the greenway, eating in restaurants in the area, lodging in the immediate vicinity to the greenway, […]

“Ecopistas e Produtos Turísticos”, Workshop and technical visit
The summary of the workshop “Ecopistas e Produtos Turísticos” held in Viseu 7th July 2016 in the framework of Greenways Outdoor project; presentations in Portuguese and Spanish, and pictures including the technical visit to Ecopista do Dão.

The new European Project in which EGWA is participating, “Greenways4ALL”, is underway! EGWA participates in this new EU project funded under the COSME programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The project aims to move forward towards the creation of accessible tourism products linked to greenways. Greenways4ALL will help improve accessibility to and around greenways, the quality of the tourism supply aimed at persons with disability, and the dissemination of greenway resources as infrastructures for everyone. The project is coordinated by the FFE; the EGWA provides the European dimension and coordinates communication. Greenways, which are non-motorized routes that mostly make use of disuse railway lines and canal towpaths, are probably the most accessible routes providing access to nature and open-air leisure activities for everyone, including persons with disability. However, and with few exceptions, despite the potential that the tourist destinations of greenways enjoy, travellers are not offered the facilities to acquire a comprehensive and accessible tourism product based on greenways. This is because the offer of the various resources making up a trip are neither structured nor organized. With this project, whose full name is “Accessible Tourism on European Greenways: Greenways For All”, we aim […]

WINNERS of European Greenways Photo Contest 2016
CONGRATULATIONS to all the WINNERS of the first European Greenways Photo Contest We loved all your photos!!! WINNERS: PRIZE 1 ©Helen Rigard – Waterford Greenway Viaduct – IRELAND PRIZE 2 ©Oscar Garcia – Terra Alta Greenway – SPAIN PRIZE 3 ©Pablo Toboso – Terra Alta Greenway – SPAIN PRIZE 4 ©David Quintas – Vasco Navarro Greenway_Alava – SPAIN PRIZE 5 ©Derek Halsey – Iron Curtain Trail – CZECH REPUBLIC MENTIONS: M1 ©Oscar Garcia – Sierra de la Demanda Greenway – SPAIN M2 ©Tessa Serrano – Hehlingen – GERMANY M3 ©Anita Tīlena – Old Narroy-gauge Railway Bridge – LATVIA M4 ©Gregorio Egea Jimenez – Murcia Greenway – SPAIN M5 ©Salvador Camaño – Plazaola Greenway – SPAIN M5 ©Alicia Polo – Bidasoa Greenway – SPAIN M5 ©Derek Halsey – Iron Curtain Trail – CZECH REPUBLIC Thank you all for participating! We have discovered new greenways thanks to your photos. Please keep on sharing and tagging your favourite European greenways! Also thanks to all our judges for taking their time and rating all the pictures! Roberto Rovelli – IT Associazione Italiana Greenways Jenny Martin – UK Sustrans Dominika Zareba – PL Stowarzyszenie Greenways Poland Gilbert Perrin – BE Chemins du Rail Carmen Aycart – ES Vías Verdes de Andalucía Liam O’Mahony – IR Great Southern Trail / Greenway And […]

Greenways and Tourism Product Workshop and Technical Visit in Portugal
Programa Workshop: Ecopistas e Produtos Turísticos – Visita Técnica THIS WORKSHOP WILL BE IN PORTUGUESE Parceiros Internacionais European Greenways Association (EGWA) Subbética Bikes Friends, (Spain) Parceiros Nacionais Câmara Municipal de Santa Comba Dão Câmara Municipal de Tondela Câmara Municipal de Viseu Programa da Ação: Dia 7 – Quinta-feira 09:00 – Receção 09:30 – Sessão boas vindas – CIM VISEU DÃO LAFÕES 10:00 – Apresentação do projeto “Greenways Outdoor” – Mercedes Muñoz 10:30 – Turismo do Centro – Producto turístico vinculado a Ecopistas no Centro de Portugal 11:00 – “Generando producto turístico en la Vía verde del Aceite” Antonio Camacho Subbética Bikes Friends, (Spain) 11:30- “Ecopistas: Recurso Acessível a Todos” – Apresentação pelas Associações (IPSS) 12:00 – Os Bikotel e a Estruturação do Produto – Pedro Pedrosa empresa A2Z 12:15 – Network Meeting – Instituições Publicas e empresariais. “Serviços em torno da Ecopista do Dão” 13:00 – Almoço livre 17:00 – Visita técnica à ECOPISTA DO DÃO 20:00 – Jantar convívio Organizado por: […]

“Tourism Outdoor and Greenways in Rural Areas” Workshop in Italy
European Greenways Association will take part in the “Tourism Outdoor and Greenways in Rural Areas” Workshop in Italy. On the 1st and 2nd of July we will be in Parco Regionale Veneto Delta del Po and we invite you to participate also in the workshop, the techical visit or the nordic walk and discover the city of Adria. Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

“Greenways: Attracting new clients and selling the product” Workshop and more…
On Friday 20 May the workshop “Greenways: Attracting new clients and selling the product” was held in Bütgenbach (Belgium). It was organized by Tourismusagentur Ostbelgien (the Belgian tourism agency) in cooperation with EGWA, within the framework of the EU funded project, Greenways Outdoor. The workshop was followed by a very interesting technical visit to the award-winning cross-border route, Vennbahn, passing through 3 countries, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. To end the day a new bridge near the Lommersweiler tunnel was opened. It was named after Gilbert Perrin in recognition of his tireless work in the creation of Vennbahn. The interesting presentations made during the workshop can be seen at https://www.aevv-egwa.org/event/workshop-greenways-attracting-new-clients-and-selling-the-product/. Workshop “Greenways: Attracting new clients and selling the product” The workshop kicked off with a warm welcome to the participants by Sandra De Taeye, director of Tourismusagentur Ostbelgien, who pointed out the importance of the Vennbahn as a key tourist attraction in East Belgium and the continuous work by the many stakeholders to provide the best offer and welcome to visitors. Greenways Outdoor overview. Mercedes Muñoz. European Greenways Association (EGWA) Director and Greenways Outdoor Coordinator. The EGWA director and coordinator of the project showed […]

Social Networks Prize Photo Contest
CONGRATULATIONS to David Clynch, the winner of the SPECIAL Social Networks Prize of the First edition of the European Greenways Photo Contest who took an amazing photo of Deise Greenway, the Waterford Greenway Group near Ballyvoile in Ireland and shared it will us and all of his friends on Facebook and Twitter! David’s photo had a great engagement with over 50 likes, comments and retweets which made him the direct winner of this prize. It was the picture with the most amount of points from all the pics we received from all over Europe. Thank you all for sharing your greenway photos with us! The photo contest is part of the EU project Greenways Outdoor and this particular SPECIAL Social Networks Prize, given to the person with the most points, it is offered by the EGWA and the Greenways Outdoor project, and it consists of two nights’ accommodation *** with breakfast for two people near one of the winning greenways of the 7th European Greenways Award 2015 (Excellence and Exemplary Initiatives categories): Nordbahntrasse Wuppertal / North-Rhine-Westphalia / Germany Plazaola Greenway / Navarra / Spain Koleje in Nový Jičín / Moravia-Silesia / Czech Republic Greenway between Flemish Ardennes and the Pays des Collines / Flanders / Walloon region / Belgium – […]

REGISTRATION IS OPEN EuroVelo, Greenways and Cycletourism conference!
On the 14th of October 2016, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) together with the European Greenways Association (EGWA) are holding the III Edition of their EuroVelo, Greenways and Cycle Tourism Conference in Vienna (Austria). The event is the main cycle tourism conference on the European level and brings together leading stakeholders in the cycle tourism field from across the continent. The III EuroVelo, Greenways and Cycle Tourism Conference will be held on October 14th 2016 at the Palais Niederosterreich in Vienna (Austria). In this edition in Vienna, the programme will be divided in two main blocks: – Product: focusing on the best experiences on cycle tourism from all around Europe. It will include presentations from tour operators, universities, European organisations and specialists on Greenways Outdoor (tourism products based on Greenways) and Silver Cyclists (cycling tourism for seniors). – Markets and clients: this block will focus on marketing Europe as a tourism destination, including experiences from all around the world on how to market cycle tourism and the impact of cycle tourism (monitoring). Due to the limited number of seats, we highly recommend you to register as soon as possible. National EuroVelo Coordinators and Coordination Centres (NECC/Nc) and EGWA members will have priority in case the number of registrations exceed […]

The 3rd Eurovelo, Greenways and Cycle Tourism Conference
On the 14th of October 2016 the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and the European Greenways Association (EGWA) organise a EuroVelo, Greenways and Cycling Tourism Conference in Vienna Austria. Like every other year, the conference is the opportunity to bring together leading experts working on cycle tourism, route development and other related fields from across the continent to learn about the latest developments and share best practices. The registrations for the event will be opened soon. Please stay tuned on the website and Follow us on social media! This conference is organized in the framework of the EU funded project Silver cyclist and Greenways Outdoor Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

Workshop “Greenways: Attracting new clients and selling the product”
“Greenways: Attracting new clients and selling the product”, is the next workshop that will be held on Friday 20 May/2016 at Bütgenbach (Belgium), As part of the Greenways Outdoor project. It will be followed by a technical visit at the awarded transborder greenway Vennbahn! The agenda is worth the trip! Preliminary program Workshop “Greenways: Attracting new clients and selling the product” Venue: Sport- und Freizeitzentrum Worriken – at the Building « Pavillon » Worriken 9; 4750 Bütgenbach (Belgium) Time: 9:15 – 12:30 + Technical visit: 14:00 -18:00 ____________________________________________________________________________ Objectives: To present the project Greenways Outdoors and to encourage stakeholders to generate tourism product around greenways. To share best practices in greenways infrastructure development, as key tool to develop cycle tourism. To present key elements to attract new clients and to implement successful marketing campaigns on greenways To provide key tips to create attractive cycle tourism packages linked to greenways. Addressed to: Tourism promotion and greenway management authorities; Local service and equipment providers (SMEs) around greenways; Tour operators and active and nature tourism agencies; Public authorities and private organisations that want to promote greenways for tourism in its territories; Potential tourists / end users. Program: 9:15 Registration 9:30 Words […]

EUROPEAN GREENWAYS PHOTO CONTEST OPEN CALL The European Greenways Association organizes the “European Greenways Photo Contest” in the framework of the European project Greenways Outdoor (co-founded by the Cosme programme of the European Union). The objective is to promote greenways as a suitable infrastructure for different groups to practise outdoor activities at any time of year. The European Greenways and all the elements around them are the protagonists of this competition. Participating photos should show the infrastructure itself (viaducts, tunnels, old railway buildings, canal towpaths, etc.), or users, heritage and natural attractions of the environment, places and singular elements, and especially the practice of activities by different kinds of users (cyclists, hikers, sports, families, etc.). There are 5 prizes for the best photos and a special prize for the picture with the best engagement on the social media networks: 1st PRIZE: 2 tickets in 1st class for a round trip to any of the Renfe-SNCF en cooperación / en cooperation 2nd PRIZE: 3 Day trip to Madrid for 2 people – visiting two greenways sponsored by Rutas Pangea 3rd PRIZE: 3 Day trip to Olvera for 2 people – sponsored by Fundación Vía Verde de la Sierra (FVVS) 4th PRIZE: […]

New president for EGWA
Family picture after General Assembly (from left to right): Jānis Sijāts, Vidzeme Tourism Association (Latvia) ; Nicolas Poulouin (AF3V -France) ; Albert Gómez (Consorci Vies Verdes De Girona – Spain ) ; Dany Heck – Tourismusagentur Ostbelgien, Belgium ; Daniel Mourek , Environmental Partnership Association (EPA), Czech Republic / Giulio Senes, New President, Italian Greenways Association, Italy / Kris Rockelé (Province Antwerpen, Belgium); Anne Daubechies, Walonie (Belgium); Gilbert Perrin, Outgoing President, Chemins du Rail (Belgium); Mercedes Muñoz, EGWA Director. Giulio Senes from the Italian Greenways Association (Italy) is the new EGWA president by acclamation of the General Assembly held in Namur (Belgium) last October. Senes had previously been Vice-President and knows the association very well as a founder member of EGWA. Namur, a highly symbolic place, was chosen for Gilbert Perrin to leave the presidency and to “close the circle”, since it was here where the Association started, promoted by himself and other partners in 1998. It was a very emotional farewell for him as president, but not from EGWA, where Gilbert will continue to be a member of the Executive Committee. But now he will have more time to devote to Chemins du Rail, the association of volunteers also […]

Greenways Outdoor at Fiets in Wandelbeurs 2016
20-21st February we have been promoting the European Greenways and the Greenways Outdoor project at Fiets en Wandelbeurs 2016, that is one of the most important specialized international fairs. For first time Greewnays Outdoors had a joint stand, shared by four partners members Furthermore we organized a conference to present “Greenways Outdoor” with the participation of all the partners in Utrecht, to reinforce the presence of the greenways at the fair. Moreover, it was held two more conferences about Spanish vías verdes, since Spain has been the invited country this year, that counted with a great participation and, a presentation from the Vennbahn at the press conference organized from Wallonie. These parallel events have included as well references about greenways outdoor project and have greatly contributed to enlarge the impact of the greenways at the fair. It was a great experience and we would like to thank everybody for their visit and support, especially our GO partners present at the fair Ostbelgien Eifel-Ardennen Vías Verdes – Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles Rutas Pangea Vía Verde De La Sierra Cádiz-Sevilla Comunidade Intermunicipal da Região Dão Lafões! It was also an opportunity to meet there other friends and EGWA members, as Vías verdes de Girona and Chemins de Rail promoting RAVEL. […]

“Greenways without borders and barriers” Workshop
On January 21 the European Greenways Association (EGWA) and Spanish Railways Foundation (hereinafter FFE) jointly organized the workshop “Greenways without borders and barriers”, within the framework of the European project Greenways Outdoor. This EU funded project is coordinated by the EGWA with FFE as one of the key team members. The workshop was attended by a large number of participants and the many interesting presentations can be seen at www.viasverdes.com After some brief words of welcome from EGWA and the FFE, the Technical Workshop “Greenways Outdoor: Greenways without borders and barriers” started with a presentation by Ilona Lelonek, representing the DG GROW unit for Tourism, Emerging and Creative Industries of the European Commission, on European Union policies regarding sustainable tourism and how these policies can be funded. Ms. Lelonek highlighted the backing that the Commission provides to European greenways and, in particular, to the creation of a tourism product. The latter is one of the key objectives of the Greenways Outdoor project and is co-funded as part of the European Commission’s Cosme programme. Mercedes Muñoz, EGWA director and coordinator of the project, explained how the project’s main action strategies are being applied and highlighted some of the most important results, such as the creation of a catalogue of greenway-based touri sm products, the […]

Greenways Outdoor Coordination Meeting
The previous afternoon to the Fitur Workshop an internal meeting was held, focusing on the coordination of the various actions to be developed in the coming months, such as joint participation in European tourism trade fairs, the creation of a catalogue of greenway-based tourism products, sport events, workshops, and communication campaigns. Team partners during and after the meeting The general objective of the Greenways Outdoor project is the diversification of the tourism offer in Europe by generating new products relating to greenways and capitalizing on existing ones, thereby improving the competitiveness of the European greenway-based tourism industry, together with the joint promotion of greenways tourism products to make them better known internationally and so attract more visitors. The aim is also to strengthen public and private cooperation in order to facilitate the creation and promotion of the greenways tourism product. These objectives will be achieved through a combination of different actions and events and directed at SMEs, tour operators, public administrations, and other organizations interested in greenways, as well as the end customers themselves. Greenways Outdoor project is implemented by 10 Partners from 5 countries, (Spain, Latvia, Portugal, Italy and Belgium): European Greenways Association (co-ordinator European scope); Spanish Railways […]

Fitur workshop
“Greenways Outdoor” Creation and transnational promotion of outdoor tourism product linked to European Greenways Greenways great Outdoors without borders and barriers Greenways Outdoor: Vías Verdes sin fronteras ni barreras. Workshop Thursday 21/January/ 2015 Venue: Madrid, Spain (at FITUR International tourism fair; room A 9.13) Time: 10:30 – 14:30 Objectives: To present the project Greenways Outdoors To present key elements to generate successful tourism product around greenways: continuity of the greenways beyond administrative boundaries and accessibility. To present main requirements and constraints to generate tourism product, with concrete examples of initiatives coming from public and SME. To encourage greenways network to generate tourism product and to promote them at European level. Addressed to: Tourism promotion and greenway management authorities; Local service and equipment providers (SMEs) around greenways; Tour operators and active and nature tourism agencies; Public authorities and private organisations that want to promote greenways for tourism in its territories; Potential tourists / end users. Program (Preliminar): 10:00 – Registration 10:30 – 11:00 – Open act Representatives from: European Commission; Turespaña; EGWA and Spanish Railways Foundation (FFE). European Commission: “EU policy on sustainable tourism; EU funds opportunities for tourism and greenways” (tbc) 11:00 – 11:45 – Greenways Outdoor: the project […]

Tourism for Growth and Jobs Manifesto
European Manifesto asks the European Commission and Parliament, more attention for tourism as an important driver on Growth and Jobs EGWA is one of the over 20 organisations that have already signed up to the manifesto because the importance of the future European policy on tourism, also for greenways. Greenways are a very useful tool for the development of tourism in rural areas and contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage. Tourism in greenways is an important driver of economic and social development, what is key in rural and inland areas. The future European policy to support tourism is key for greenways! Please, read the Manifesto and help to distribute it through your organization and fellow network. www.tourismmanifesto.eu Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin

Tourism forum in R?zekne, Latvia
Presentation of cycling tourism development of Vidzeme by Mr. J?nis Sij?ts (including greenways and Greenways Outdoor project) region. This high-level conference brought together the Ministry representatives as well as planning experts and tourism professionals from all Latvia, but especially Eastern part. About 150 people participated at the event. Vidzeme Tourism Association, having had experience with cycling tourism development was asked to present the development of cycling tourism and cycling routes, including greenways. During the conference the GW Latvian and English maps were also distributed. Conference programme (in Latvian) can be found here: http://www.visitdaugavpils.lv/lv/6110-latgales-turisma-konferencekvalitate- latgales-turisma-svarigs-faktors-konkuretspejiga Photos from the conference: http://travelnews.lv/index.php?view=gallery&g_uid=6720 Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin