Sharing best practices of awarded greenways

Sharing best practices on greenways, as part of the EGWA’s pledges of the transition pathway for tourism. Discover the awarded Greenways and finalist 2023! The winning of the European Greenways Award 11 Edition held in Rome, and finalist entries are presented on the document, that includes the most relevant information […]


Sustainable mobility in the T4T

Active mobility for Sustainable Tourism    Promoting active mobility in the Together for EU Tourism expert group Declarations on Cycling and the Mobility of Tomorrow to guide the future action in the EU. Investments of EUR 4.5 billion planned under Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 for cycling infrastructure, a great opportunity for […]


Greenways in the inaugural meeting of T4T

The inaugural meeting of the Together for EU Tourism (T4T) Expert Group took place on September 29 in Brussels It was hosted by the DG GROW -Tourism & Textiles, and chaired by Marie-Hélène Pradines, Head of Unit.  The EGWA director participated in the  meeting as member of the T4T Expert […]


International Conference on Greenways and Sustainable Tourism

EU cycling strategy & Greenways

European Parliament resolution of 16 February 2023 on developing an EU cycling strategy (2022/2909(RSP) )   The resolution considers that cycling should be recognised as a fully-fledged mode of transport. The EP calls on the Commission to develop a specific European cycling strategy with the aim of doubling the number […]


EGWA in the European Tourism Forum 2022 in Prague

EGWA will present at the 21st European Tourism Forum, about “Tourism Transition Pathway”. The Forum is organised by the Czech Presidency together with the European Commission.  EGWA have been invited to present at the 21st European Tourism Forum, about “Tourism Transition Pathway” and examples of good practice in its implementation, and it will be an […]


Stakeholder’ event – Togheter for EU Tourism

The European Commision, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship & SMEs organised a stakeholder event on 13 September to update on the transition pathway related developments and received pledges.   The objective was to increase and support engagement in the transition pathway co-implementation with concrete actions. The event was organized in […]
