SIGWAY next implementation of pilot actions

SIGWAY Sport in Greenways: next implementation of pilot actions on site   EGWA, with the support of their members, continue working on the organization of pilot sports and physical activity activities on greenways, as part of the SIGWAY project. Those corresponding to the EGWA are linked to cycling on greenways […]

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Overview of the Rome conference at the European Greenways Award

Conference on Greenways and Sustainable Tourism in Europe, European Greenways Award. Rome 20th November 21 speakers from all over Europe sharing real experiences linked to 11 countries: Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France, Poland, and cross-border Poland/Czech Republic, Latvia, Belgium, Serbia, Germany, and Europe as a whole.  More than 100 participants […]


11EGA in pictures

The Conference Greenways and Sustainable Tourisme:  21 speakers from all over Europe sharing real experiences linked to 11 countries and Europe as a whole. More than 100 participants enjoyed learning about new initiatives and sharing their passion for greenways and for moving towards a more sustainable tourism in Europe.   […]


Greenways in the inaugural meeting of T4T

The inaugural meeting of the Together for EU Tourism (T4T) Expert Group took place on September 29 in Brussels It was hosted by the DG GROW -Tourism & Textiles, and chaired by Marie-Hélène Pradines, Head of Unit.  The EGWA director participated in the  meeting as member of the T4T Expert […]


International Conference on Greenways and Sustainable Tourism

Jury meeting of the 11th European Greenways Award 2023

Jury meeting of the 11th European Greenways Award 2023 The jury of the 11th European Greenways Award was composed of a panel of experts with different expertise to approach, from different perspectives, the analysis of the 24 excellent shortlisted applications from 11 different countries:   Ms. Ramune Genzbigelyte-Venturi. Policy officer-Tourism. […]

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