International Conference on Greenways and Sustainable Tourism

Jury meeting of the 11th European Greenways Award 2023

Jury meeting of the 11th European Greenways Award 2023 The jury of the 11th European Greenways Award was composed of a panel of experts with different expertise to approach, from different perspectives, the analysis of the 24 excellent shortlisted applications from 11 different countries:   Ms. Ramune Genzbigelyte-Venturi. Policy officer-Tourism. […]

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SIGWAY Sport training of trainers in Slovakia

The SIGWAY Project team members and representatives of stakeholders participate in meetings and training held in Ruzomberok, Slovakia, from 27 to 29 June. Objective: training and preparation of sports and physical activity program on greenways. The concept of greenways, their interest for sport and daily physical activity (cycling, walking, wheeling), […]

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New Deadline/ Nouveau délai /Nuevo plazo/ Following requests, the deadline for the submission of candidacies for the 11th European Greenways Award 2023 has been extended to: Wednesday 21st June 2023 / Mercredi 21 June 2023/  Miércoles 21 June 2023 Thank you for your interest in participating! Nous vous remercions de votre intérêt à participer […]

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11th EGA 2023: OPEN CALL!

      >> Call for candidacies for the 11th European Greenways Award 2023   >> Deadline for applications: Wednesday 14 June 2023       The European Greenways Association (EGWA) announces the call for candidacies for the 11th European Greenways Award (EGA) 2023 organised by EGWA in co-operation with the the EGWA in cooperation with […]

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First results of the SIGWAY project

The first results of the SIGWAY project are now available! They consist of 2 reports giving an overview of greenways in the 7 countries participating in the project, and examples of good practice in sport and active leisure activities in Spain, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia, Austria, Italy, Greece and Portugal. Both […]

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EU cycling strategy & Greenways

European Parliament resolution of 16 February 2023 on developing an EU cycling strategy (2022/2909(RSP) )   The resolution considers that cycling should be recognised as a fully-fledged mode of transport. The EP calls on the Commission to develop a specific European cycling strategy with the aim of doubling the number […]


Strong presence of greenways at FITUR 2023

A strong presence of greenways at FITUR 2023, and of cycle tourism in general. The FITUR 2023 fair has been an excellent occasion for presentations and dissemination of new tourism products based on greenways; signing of collaboration agreements, meetings with EGWA partners and friends of the greenways, and exploring future […]

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EGWA in the European Tourism Forum 2022 in Prague

EGWA will present at the 21st European Tourism Forum, about “Tourism Transition Pathway”. The Forum is organised by the Czech Presidency together with the European Commission.  EGWA have been invited to present at the 21st European Tourism Forum, about “Tourism Transition Pathway” and examples of good practice in its implementation, and it will be an […]
