
The new European Project in which EGWA is participating, “Greenways4ALL”, is underway! EGWA participates in this new EU project funded under the COSME programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The project aims to move forward towards the creation of accessible tourism products linked to […]



EUROPEAN GREENWAYS PHOTO CONTEST OPEN CALL The European Greenways Association organizes the “European Greenways Photo Contest” in the framework of the European project Greenways Outdoor (co-founded by the Cosme programme of the European Union). The objective is to promote greenways as a suitable infrastructure for different groups to practise outdoor […]


The 7th European Greenways Awards have been given on October 16th 2015 during the official ceremony in Namur (Belgium)

The 7th European Greenways Awards have been given on October 16th 2015 during the official ceremony in Namur (Belgium) Seven greenways from Germany, Belgium, Spain, United Kingdom and Czech Republic were awarded as reference of best practices in Europe. The Award ceremony was held in Namur (Belgium). The European Greenways […]
