VI European Greenways Conferen
Greenways, much more than sustainable infrastructure for tourism development.
Vitoria-Gasteiz, (Spain) 4 – 5 April 2019
Palacio de Congresos Europa
Organized by: Basquetour, the European Greenways Association and the Spanish Railways Foundation.
⇒ download the program here: English / Spanish / Euskera
DAY 1: 4 April 2019
8:30 – 9:00. Welcome and registration
9:00 – 9:30. Opening speeches
- Isabel Muela López, Deputy Minister of Trade and Tourism. Basque Government.
- Giulio Senes, President, European Greenways Association.
- José Carlos Domínguez Curiel, CEO, Spanish Railways Foundation.
9:30 – 10:30. Session 1: The Greenways in Regional, National and European Policies and Strategies
Regional development instruments need to make provision for greenways to enable projects to be developed and funded.
- Greenways, a European initiative. Mercedes Muñoz, Director, European Greenways Association.
- The Irish Strategy for the Future Development of National and Regional Greenways. Derek O’Neill, Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport.
- The Nature Paths and Greenways Programme. Jorge Figueira. Programme Coordinator. Directorate-General for Rural Development, Innovation and Forestry Policy. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
Video Sesion 1 (Original version English or Spanish)
10:30 – 11:50 Session 2: Industrial Heritage and Greenways
The valorization of the industrial heritage sites along the greenways: one objective of greenway infrastructure.
- Promotion of Railway Heritage, Greenways, TouRail, Railway Museums and other proposals. José Carlos Domínguez Curiel, CEO, Spanish Railways Foundation.
- The Greenways Heritage tourism GIS (Geographic Information System), promoting greenways across Europe. Giulio Senes, University of Milan.
- Ecopistas (Greenways) in Portugal and Railway Heritage Management. Filipe Beja, Manager of the Portuguese Ecotrails National Plan. IP Patrimonio.
- RAVeL, Walloon region: from the Recovery of the Railway Heritage to the long-distance cycle routes. Gilbert Perrin, Technical Advisor, International Relations, Chemins du Rail, Belgium.
Video Sesion 2 (Original version English or Spanish)
11:50 – 12:20. Panel discussion
12:20 – 12:50. Brunch: Pintxos (tapas) and networking.
12:50 – 14:10. Session 3: Monitoring and Studies on Greenways and Cycle Tourism
Measuring and monitoring are essential for collecting data on current happenings, return on investments and economic impact, and for formulating criteria for future planning.
- Monitoring the impact of the cycle tourism at National and Regional level (Czech Republic). Daniel Mourek, International projects and Greenways programme manager. EuroVelo council member at the ECF. Nadace Partnerstí (Czech Republic).
- Results of a Comparative Analysis of Successful Cases of Natural Paths and Greenways Tourism Management. Jesús Blázquez. Manager, Rutas Pangea.
- 2019 ADFC-Travelbike Bicycle Travel Analysis – 20th Nation wide Survey on the Bicycle Tourism Market. Fong Choo Leong. Bicycle Tourism Officer. German Cyclists’ Association, ADFC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club).
- Socioeconomic Impact of Greenways in Girona. Ángel Planas. Manager, Girona Greenways Consortium.
Video Sesion 3 (Original version English or Spanish)
14:10 – 15:00. Session 4: Business Round Table on the Greenways Tourist Product
The participation of the private sector is essential to the development of the tourist product. How can we offer what the tourist wants? Expansion of the electric bike market.
- Daniel Mourek. International projects and Greenways programme manager. Nadace Partnerství (Czech Republic). Welcome-Cyclist, Accueil Vélo (and other certifications awarded for services offered to the cycle tourist.
- Henrik Lythe Jørgensen. Consultant. Dansk Cykelturisme (Danish Cycle Tourism), a public-private association for the promotion of cycle tourism in Denmark.
- Antonio Camacho. Technical Director. Subbetica Bicycle Tourist Centre. The growth of a cycle tourism SME based in the Aceite (Oil) Greenway.
Video Sesion 4 (Original version English or Spanish)
15:00 – 15:20. Panel discussion
15:30 – 18:30. Technical visit to the Vasco Navarro Railway Greenway.
DAY 2: 5 April 2019
8:30 – 9:00. Welcome and registration
9:00 – 10:00. Session 5: Management and Promotion of Non-Motorized Travel Itineraries
How is a successful itinerary achieved? Best management practices; greenways as much more than infrastructures; information and communications technologies and traditional promotional techniques.
- Advocacy and Communication of Spanish Greenways. Arantxa Hernández, Head of Greenways Area, Spanish Railways Foundation.
- Greenways Promotion Strategy in Basque Country. Harkaitz Millán, CEO Basquetour (Basque Tourism Agency).
- Promoting cycling tourism in Denmark. Henrik Lythe Jørgensen, Consultant. Dansk Cykelturisme (Danish Cycle Tourism).
Video Sesion 5 (Original version English or Spanish)
10:00 – 12:00. Session 6: Mobility, Intermodality and Local Development
Greenways as infrastructure for tourism, for the creation of long-distance travel itineraries as well as everyday mobility.
- Navarra Greenways Plan and the Ederbidea Project. Maitena Ezkutari, Director-General for Tourism and Trade, Navarra Regional Government.
- Promoting Sustainable Mobility Through the National Cycle Network – NCN 99 – The Comber Greenway – The CHIPS Project. Gordon Clarke, National Director for Ireland, Sustrans UK.
- Alava’s green itinerary network. Amaia Barredo. Environment and Town Planning Director at Álava’s Provincial Council.
- From the Great Southern Trail to the Great Southern Greenway. Citizen Involvement in the Promotion of Railway Heritage. Liam o’Mahony, Chairman, Great Southern Trail (Ireland).
- Gipuzkoa Greenways Revitalisation Plan. Iñaki Prego. General Director for Mobility and Public Transport in Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia – Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.
- The Vitoria-Gasteiz Green Ring: Integrating and Connecting Town and Country with Green Infrastructure. Ane Itziar Velasco, Head of Studies and Analysis. CEA. Centre for Environmental Studies, Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council.
Video Sesion 6 (Original version English or Spanish)
12:00 – 12:20. Panel discussion
12:20 – 12:50. Brunch: pintxos (tapas) and networking.
12:50 – 13:50. Session 7: Accessible Tourism and Greenways
Greenways: Pioneers and Models of Tourism for All. A right as well as an important market.
- Greenways, Key Infrastructure for Active and Accessible Tourism in Europe. Craig Grimes. Managing Director, Experience Community CIC (Community Interest Company),
- Integration of Accessible Tourism in the Vía Verde de la Sierra. Management Strategy. Mary Jiménez, Director, Vía Verde de La Sierra Foundation.
- Continous improvement in Accessibility in Girona Greenways: routes, material and services. Angel Planas, Manager. Girona Greenways Consortium.
Video Sesion 7 (Original version English or Spanish)
13:50 –14:15. Session 8: Round Table: Women and Greenways
The gender perspective will be present throughout the conference, and all speakers are urged to ensure that their contributions take this issue into account. Notwithstanding, this round table event will be dedicated specifically to Women and Greenways.
- Mercedes Muñoz, Director, European Greenways Association
- Carmen Aycart, Greenways expert and co-founder of the Spanish Greenways initiative
- Arantxa Hernández, Head of Greenways Area, Spanish Railways Foundation
- Amaia Barredo, Environment and Town Planning Director at Álava’s Provincial Council.
- María Jiménez, Director, Vía Verde de La Sierra Foundation
14:15 – 14:30. Closing remarks
Conclusions drawn from the 6th European Greenways Conference. Ainara Rodríguez Zulaica, Coordinator, Bilbao Tourism Departmental Area, Deusto University.
Video Sesion 8 and Closing remarks (Original version English or Spanish)
14:30. End of conference
Registration on line HERE
⇒ Free participation, prior registration required
⇒ Language: Spanish/ English with simultaneous translation from / to
⇒ download the program here: English / Spanish / Euskera
EUROPA Congress Palace, Avenida Gasteiz, 85, 01009 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava
Vitoria-Gasteiz. How to arrive? click here
List of Hotels in Vitoria- Gasteiz click here
Access map to Vitoria-Gasteiz