New EU funded project Greenways HERITAGE
EGWA will co-ordinate this new EU project funded under the COSME programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).
The general objective of the project is the development and diversification of the European tourism offer by generating new tourism products related to heritage greenways and UNESCO cultural heritage sites located nearby. This is to be achieved by widely disseminating this appealing offer in order to attract more tourists and to generate an economic impact on territories which have both UNESCO sites and greenways, and in particular on the SMEs located in their vicinity. To promote the use of new technologies applied to greenways and UNESCO sites to better inform tourists and so enhance their experience.
To achieve this objective various types of concrete actions will be implemented:
- The creation of product and generation of an offer of tourism packages of greenways and UNESCO sites, and “go as you please” trip proposals.
- Work with local companies to improve competitiveness.
- Meetings promoting Public Private Partnership (PPP)
- To improve useful information for tourists by using new information technologies (web-GIS multi-platform with information on cultural sites and related greenways;
- Furthermore a specific example of an innovative action: 360º virtual reality experience at UNESCO site and on greenway.
- Dissemination work.
- Joint promotion in reference forums
8 partners from 5 countries: Belgium, Spain, Italy, Latvia, and Portugal
- Association européenne des Voies vertes Aisbl (EGWA) -European Greenways Association, European Scope (Lead partner/coordinator)
- Latvijas Zalo Celu Asociācija (Latvian Greenways Association) (Latvia)
- Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles (Spain)
- Stad Mechelen (Belgium)
- Universita Degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
- Turismo Vivencial SL (Spain)
- Comunidade Intermunicipal Do Ave (Portugal)
- Provincie Antwerpen (Belgium)
Implementation period: May 2018 – October 2019 Budget: 400,000 € (co-funded 75%)
As the previous projects, Greenways HERITAGE will enable further progress in the development and greater recognition of the European greenways in Europe, reinforced in this case with the combination of UNESCO sites.

Family photo of the representatives from DG GROWTH, EASME, and from approved projects at the kick-off meeting taken on EASME premises. Brussels, 17 May

Representatives from EASME (the COSME Head of Unit and Project Adviser) with representatives from Greenways Heritage, from EGWA, and from L’Università degli Studi di Milano, at the kick-off meeting in Brussels.
Kick-off meeting of the Greenways Heritage project: Burgos and Sierra de la Demanda Greenway (Spain). 6-7 June 2018
In addition to the internal meeting of partners and a planned technical visit to the Atapuerca archaeological site and the Sierra de la Demanda Greenway, there will be a presentation of the project for press, authorities and stakeholders. The presentation will be held in the Museum of Human Evolution in Burgos.
The events are to be held on June 6 and 7, 2018
Why in Burgos? And why in the Museum of Human Evolution?
Burgos has three World Cultural sites: the Our Lady of Burgos Cathedral in the centre of the city, the Atapuerca UNESCO World Heritage Site located 14 km from the city of Burgos, and the Routes of Santiago de Compostela: the Camino Francés and Routes of Northern Spain that pass through the city of Burgos.
Burgos also has 2 greenways, one starting from inside the city and one from nearby:
- The Sierra de la Demanda Greenway, approx. 25 km from the city, which we will visit in combination with the Atapuerca archaeological site
- The Santander- Mediterráneo Greenway
Because of the confluence of all these elements, together with the use of new technologies applied to tourism, the Museum of Human Evolution is the chosen venue for the international presentation of the project and the partners kick-off meeting, thanks to the kind support of the General Directorate of Tourism of Castile and Leon.
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