20-21st February we have been promoting the European Greenways and the Greenways Outdoor project at Fiets en Wandelbeurs 2016, that is one of the most important specialized international fairs.

Presenting at Fiets en Wandelbeurs

Presenting at Fiets en Wandelbeurs

For first time Greewnays Outdoors had a joint stand, shared by four partners members  Furthermore we organized a conference to present “Greenways Outdoor” with the participation of all the partners in Utrecht, to reinforce the presence of the greenways at the fair.

Moreover, it was held two more conferences about Spanish vías verdes, since Spain has been the invited country this year, that counted with a great participation and, a presentation from the Vennbahn at the press conference organized from Wallonie. These parallel events have included as well references about greenways outdoor project and have greatly contributed to enlarge the impact of the greenways at the fair.

It was a great experience and we would like to thank everybody for their visit and support, especially our GO partners present at the fair Ostbelgien Eifel-Ardennen Vías Verdes – Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles Rutas Pangea Vía Verde De La Sierra Cádiz-Sevilla Comunidade Intermunicipal da Região Dão Lafões!

Stand Greenways Outdoor at fair

Stand Greenways Outdoor a fair


It was also an opportunity to meet there other friends and EGWA members, as Vías verdes de Girona and Chemins de Rail promoting RAVEL.





Program:  GO_Utrech_Program_200216 

Location: Array