The inaugural meeting of the Together for EU Tourism (T4T) Expert Group took place on September 29 in Brussels
It was hosted by the DG GROW -Tourism & Textiles, and chaired by Marie-Hélène Pradines, Head of Unit.
The EGWA director participated in the meeting as member of the T4T Expert Group
The agenda included the final composition of the Expert Group T4T and its sub-groups, the follow-up of the pledges for the tourism transition pathway, the report of the sub-groups and the work plan for 2024.
The Expert Group is composed of 3 sub-groups:
- Green transition
- Digital transition
- Resilience / inclusion / skills
EGWA is integrated in the subgroup “Green Transition”.
With a view to the work in 2024, 4 tasks-forces have been set up in the “Green” sub-group to address the four priorities selected by this sub-group for next year, which are as follows:
Taskforce 1: Decarbonising the transport sector (incl. green mobility):
- Taskforce 2: Addressing changing holiday patterns due to climate change
- Taskforce 3: Boosting waste reduction and management in the tourism ecosystem
- Taskforce 4: Measuring the environmental impact of products and services (green labels, indicators)
The EGWA will tak part in the task force “Decarbonising the transport sector (including green mobility); bike and public transport topics will be included in this task force.
EGWA proposed the Topic 6 – Sustainable mobility as the main priority: The Association is especially interested in Sustainable Destination, by more and better infrastructure for active mobility & tourism, as greenways (for cycling and walking), and better connection on public transport, namely train (including train +bikes); to discover natural and cultural heritage. Including accessibility, as transversal topic with other sub – groups. Special focus on rural areas.
About Together for EU Tourism (T4T) Expert Group:
The Expert group has been created by the DG GROW to follow up, monitor and support actions in the Transition Pathway for Tourism & EU Agenda 2030.
The candidature presented by the director of EGWA, has been selected by DG Grow. The first meeting was online 22 June 2023; and Mercedes Muñoz participates the GREEN TRANSITION FOR TOURISM sub-group.
=> It is very important that greenways, and all the positive aspects they entail (active mobility, enhancement of cultural and natural heritage, socio-economic dynamics of the territories through which they run, …), are represented in the T4T Expert Group, and EGWA will contribute as much as possible to make them part of the activities for the implementation of the European Agenda for Tourism.
=> Participating in this GREEN TRANSITION FOR TOURISM sub-group (Green Group) and in the Task Force “Decarbonising the transport sector (including green mobility) is key to be able to share with key stakeholders, trough practical examples, the interest of greenways as key infrastructure suitable for tourism and the local community, and to continue lobbying for further funding for more and better greenways and non-motorised infrastructure in Europe.
>> About EGWA pledges for the co-implementation of the Transition Pathway for Tourism
This work is only possible thanks to the support of the EGWA members. Join us!
Moving on! #GreenwaysEurope #Together4Tourism #EUTourism
Mercedes Muñoz Zamora
European Greenways Association, Director