European Stakeholders Multiplier Event: Greenways a great asset for Sport and Physical Activity

SIGWAY aims to promote sport and healthy leisure activities outdoors by stimulating sports activities offer in greenways and potential greenways, while raising awareness on environmental issues and circular economy. Moreover, Sigway aims at enhancing sports field employability and local economies.

The main aim of the European Stakeholders Multiplier Event is to share the results of the project and strengthen its sustainability.

Preliminar agenda 

9:15-9:30          Registration

9:30-10:00        Words of Welcome

10:00 – 10:45   Presentations

  • Project presentation_DEFOIN
  • Piloting experiences_each partner
  • Video projection_TREKIFY

10:45-11:15      Coffee break

11:15-12:30      Round Table

Include short presentations of good practices from_EGWA experienced stakeholders, and an interactive session with the participants regarding:

  • The great potential of reusing abandoned railways as infrastructure for outdoor sports.
  • How to recover abandoned railways into greenways.
  • How to transform unused greenways into actively used sport infrastructure.
  • Greenways of railway origin as an example of circular economy and support for local development.
  • The experiences of the SIGWAY project and stakeholders, to help implementation of the new initiatives on greenways for sport and physical activity.

12:30- 14.00     Lunch 

14:00 – 18:00   Sport Activity in Aarschot greenway and surroundings

Logistics and visit by bike (aprox 20 km, practically without slope). Specific details of the route closer to date.

Participation is free, prior registration required.  Limited places available.

Final date for registration is 12 September. If the number of registered exceeds the number of available places, a selection procedure will take place. Those concerned will be informed well in advance

> Online registration here: 

> SIGWAY project info here 

Location: Aarschot (Belgium)