European Parliament resolution of 16 February 2023 on developing an EU cycling strategy (2022/2909(RSP) )


  • The resolution considers that cycling should be recognised as a fully-fledged mode of transport.

  • The EP calls on the Commission to develop a specific European cycling strategy with the aim of doubling the number of Km cycled in Europe by 2030.

  • It encourages regional and local governments to significantly build safe, segregated and accessible cycling infrastructure.

The EP take into account a range of EU actions and initiatives, linked to the achievement of climate targets, the beneficial health effects, and the opportunity to grow the European cycling industry, and jobs.

The resolution calls for the construction of safe cycling infrastructure to exploit the full potential of cycling as a valuable alternative for short distance journeys.

The EP resolution makes detailed reference to cycling in urban environments, but also emphasises the importance of supporting cycle tourism and cycling in rural areas. It specifically call for support to accelerate the development of EuroVelo, and to exploit synergies with the TEN-T network. Including the realisation of cycle paths parallel to railways and inland waterways, wherever possible.





The EP calls on the Commission and the member states to ensure bike accessibility for people with reduced mobility, and to make it accessible to vulnerable groups.

Encourages, with a view to fostering multimodality , the creation of synergies between the use of bicycles and other modes of transport, such as providing more spaces for bicycles inside trains and providing more secure parking areas for bicycles in stations and mobility centers;

It also calls on the European Commission to designate 2024 as the European Year of the Bicycle.

The EP instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission and to the Member States and their parliaments.


>> Resolution available in all EU languages:

> The European Commission will have to carry out this resolution, and also the Member States.


>> Even when greenways are not expressly mentioned, they do meet the conditions for the development of the cycling infrastructure mentioned in the Resolution of the PE since they are safe and accessible infrastructures, segregated for exclusive non-motorized use, and socially inclusive. Greenways also present added environmental and heritage value, since many of them make use of pre-existing transport infrastructures, such as old railway lines, and canal paths.

Greenways are therefore eligible for the development of cycling infrastructure promoted by this important EP resolution, and we encourage you to include them in your proposals for obtaining European funds.

>> From the EGWA we will request the inclusion of greenways, suitable for the use of the bike for all kind of users including people with reduced mobility, in the bicycle strategy that the European Commission must carry out to comply with this very important resolution.


Mercedes Muñoz Zamora
European Greenways Association, Director

Credit photos: © Ecopista Póvoa-Famalicão (Portugal) © Ravel- Wallonie L38-39 (Belgium)