Definition of greenways revised in UNECE
The EGWA presented a proposal to modify the definition of greenways to UNECE to better reflect the reality of what greenways are. This is the latest proposal included in the Unece documents, that takes up the proposal of the association, and is as follows.
A greenway is an independent road designated for non-motorized users, including pedestrians and cyclists, signposted as such. Its use might be open to other non-motorized users, for example horseback riders, if signed as such or defined in the national legislation.
Explanatory note:
This definition is proposed by GE.5.
A greenway often follows a canal or a disused railroad. A greenway may include parts of the road dedicated for specific categories of its users, for example a soft shoulder for horseback riders. A greenway sign can be posted either by shared pedestrian/horse rider and cycle track sign or by a dedicated greenway sign, if such exists in the national legislation.
Previous definition: Greenway: A greenway is a non-mandatory cycle track independent from the road network, which often follows a canal or a disused railroad. Its use is open to road users as sign posted or defined in the national legislation.
The new definition will contribute to the greater consideration of greenways internationally and the great asset their represent as safe, user friendly infrastructures for cycling and walking, and thus their great benefits for health.
Many thanks to everyone who has contributed with their support to the modification of the definition proposed by the EGWA, in particular to the members of the ECF, and the Spanish Minister of transport in the Expert group of the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP), which has shared with EGWA this good news with all the details reflected above.
Source: A. Pérez Peña, Spanish Minister of transport; and EGWA