V European Greenways Conference
The Spanish Railways Foundation (SRF) and the European Greenways Association (EGWA) are organizing the V European Greenways Conference, to be held in June of 2010, in Madrid, coinciding with the period of the Spanish presidency of the European Union and the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Lille declaration.
EGWA was created in 1998 with the aim of spreading and promoting greenways in Europe and has developed so far numerous projects, co-financed by the European Commission and national partners. Currently 32 member organisations from 10 countries support EGWA: national, regional and local institutions, greenway managers and promoters, associations and foundations, public railways companies, etc.
The Spanish Railways Foundation (SRF) is a public body which coordinates and promotes the Spanish Greenways Program since 1993, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM) and the Spanish Railways Infrastructure Managers (ADIF, FEVE). Spain currently has 1,700 km of disused railway lines operating as more than 70 greenways.
The SRF holds, since 2009, the EGWA General Secretariat and hosts the new executive office seat; EGWA social seat is held in Namur (Belgium) from its constitution in 1998.
European countries are increasing their interest in developing infrastructures to promote non-motorized commuting and travel between citizens as a clean and healthy form of leisure sustainable tourism in rural areas and creating jobs. In this context, Greenways play a very important role as they are accessible for every people, continuous, secure and very attractive, thus promoting a change of mentality and attitudes on citizens.
The aim is the exchange of experiences and good practices, between political and technical agents in charge of European Greenways entailed in its planning, maintenance, management and promotion, as well as related civil associations such as as: cyclists, pedestrian, disable people, and companies interested in its use and operation. The event will also focus on proposing recommendations to promote and develop a European greenways policy.
The Conference is oriented to experts, consultants, politicians and technicians involved in the development and promotion of greenways and non motorised itineraries, working in areas such as environment, sustainable mobility and transport, active tourism, universal accessibility, rural development, healthful leisure, regional balance and employment.
Place and date:
Madrid June 10th -12th, 2010
Wednesday 9th of June at 20.00 h.
Registration and welcome.
Place: Fernán Nuñez Palace (SRF Seat). Santa Isabel 44. Madrid.
Thursday 10th and Friday 11th of June.
Place: “Caixa Forum”. Paseo del Prado, 36. Madrid
Saturday 12th of June.
Technical visit to Vía Verde de la Jara.
Registration fees:
Full registration fee: 200 €
Reduced registration fee: 150 € for early registration before 10th of May.
EGWA members fee: 50% discount for 1 fee (not applicable to the reduced fee).
Other information:
English, French and Spanish.
Exhibition space for posters. Information requested: name, position and organization of the author, title and abstract (max. 200 words) of the poster, submitted by email to gestionvv@ffe.es before 26th of April.
Below is a list of hotels near the venue, with which the organization has agreed special rates. In order to be applicable you must include “European Greenway Conference” in the reservation. Reservations must be done directly by the participants.
Bicycle Rental & Tours.
Those attendees who wish to visit some of the Spanish greenways, or simply want to rent a bicycle during their stay may contact:
PANGEA, Educación y Deporte en la Naturaleza, S.L.
Calle Melilla, 10 – local
28005 MADRID
PHONE: 91 517 28 39
Email: pangea@rutaspangea.com
The organization will not organize bike rentals, routes and will not take care of the cost of renting a bicycle, except for the bicycles to be used on the technical visit of Saturday 12 June.
Technical Visit to the Jara Greenway (Toledo) 12 June
In short it will provide a detailed program of the visit. To facilitate planning your trip, we inform you that
The technical and physical difficulty of the route is very low.
The visit will last all day on 12 June. From approximately 09:00 to 20:00
The organization will pay for transportation, meals and bike hire for registered attendees.
You can find more information of the Jara Greenway on the website of the spanish greenways program (link>>)
Program / Presentations
Thursday 10th of June
- . Spanish Minister of Public Works.
- President. ADIF
- . New Approach Industries, Tourism and CSR. DG Enterprise and Industry. European Commission.
- . President. President European Greenways Association (EGWA).
- World Tourism Organization – Regional Representative for Europe.
- . Director of the Spanish Railways Foundation (EGWA).
- . New Approach Industries, Tourism and CSR. DG Enterprise and Industry. European Commission.
- . President. European Greenways Association (EGWA)
10:30 Session 1: National greenways programs.
Moderates: Director of International Affairs. Adif – Spain.
- . Director of the Spanish Greenways Program. Spanish Railways Foundation. Spain. (8 Mb)
- Chief of the national mission for cycle routes and greenways. Member of the Interministerial Coordination for the Development of cycling. France.(360 Kb)
- Mr. Luis Manuel dos Santos Silvestre. Manager of the Nacional Ecopistas Plan. REFER/INVESFER-Portugal (9,6 Mb)
11:30 Coffee break
Moderates:General Secretary EGWA
- .Director of patrimonial management. Patrimony and planning direction. Adif. Spain
- Mr. Gilbert Perrin. EGWA President. Chemins du Rail. Belgium (1,3 Mb)
- Vice-president. European Social Network of Railway Companies. Italy. (5 Mb)
- Chief of the Historic Monument Department. Nacional Centre for the Preservation Cultural Railway Heritage. National Council for Arts and Culture (CONACULTA)- Mexico. (714 Kb)
. Director. EGWA- . Chief of studies and communication department. Spanish National Greenways Program. Spanish Railways Foundation (SRF). Spain. (7,2 Mb)
- President. AF3V – France (5,7 Mb)
- . Nadace partnerství- Czech Republic (4,4 Mb)
- . Tourisme Bretagne – France (2,1 Mb)
. President. EGWA- . European Parlament. Germany (1,2 Mb)
- . Spanish Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM). Spain
- Public Service of the Walloon Region – Belgium (1,2 Mb)
- . Secretary General. European Cyclist Federation (ECF). Belgium (502 Kb)
Friday 11th of June
9:30 Session 5: Social and economical benefits of greenways (Part I)
Moderates: . President, EGWA
- . President. International Federation of Pedastrian (IFP). Spain(1,9 Mb)
- Acting Head of the Rome Office, WHO European Centre for Environment and Health. World Health Organization REgional Office for Europe. Italy (527 Kb)
- , Invent GmbH – Büro OÖ- Austria (637 Kb)
- Mr. Emili Mató. Manager. Girona Greenways Consortium. Spain (1,2 Mb)
12:00 Session 5: Social and economical benefits of greenways (Part II)
Director EGWA- . France Vélo Organisation– France & Chief of studies. Bourgogne regional council. France(1,4 Mb)
- . President. Sierra Greenway Foundation. Spain (5 Mb)
- . Tourism Development Manager and Project Manager of Lincolnshire Waterways Partnership. Lincolnshire County Council – United Kingdom(2,2 Mb)
General Secretary. EGWA- . General Director of Transport and Logistics. Valencia Regional Government. Spain
- . Accesibility Director. ONCE Foundation / European Network fo Accesible Tourism Vice-President. Spain
- . Director, Syndicat Mixte pour le Développpement Rural de l’Arrondissement d’Argelès-Gazost (SMDRA)- France (870 Kb)
- PREDIF representative on the European ASsociation of the Spinally Injured, on the accesible tourism area of FIMITIC. Spain (809 Kb)
- Commissioner European of Environment. UE (Video Message)(18 Mb *.avi)
- Spanish Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM). Spain
- . President. European Greenways Association (EGWA). Belgium
- . Accesibility Director. ONCE Foundation / European Network fo Accesible Tourism Vice-President. Spain
- . Director of the Spanish Railways Foundation (SRF). Spain
- President. European Greenways Association (EGWA). Spain