Save the Date! 12th European Greenways Award 2025
The 12th edition of the European Greenways Award will take place on 9 October 2025 in Bizkaia (Basque Country, Spain) The European Greenways Association, Basquetour, and the Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles will organize the twelve edition of the European Greenways Awards 2025, in cooperation with the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. The award ceremony will be held 9th October in Abanto-Zierbena, a small locality in Bizkaia province that lies in a unique natural setting, just 20 minutes from Bilbao. >> See venue here In addition to the 12th Awards ceremony, there will be an international conference and a technical visit to one of the greenways of the region, the following day 10th October, in order to disseminate and promote the knowledge and use of the greenways in the region. EGWA is delighted to celebrate these prestigious awards in Euskadi with such outstanding co-organisers, members of EGWA and greatly committed to the development of greenways. > Save the date and Keep tuned!! Further info will follow soon > Be ready to apply! The European Greenways Association has been organising the prestigious European Greenways Award (EGA) every two years since 2003 to highlight the best practices, initiatives and achievements in Europe in relation to Greenways. >> Please, see information of the previous awards here.

Active mobility for sustainable tourism through inter-modality and greenways
Active mobility for sustainable tourism through inter-modality and greenways Greenways and cycle routes are a key offer to promote sustainable tourism and decarbonise transport by encouraging active mobility, especially by bike, while enjoying nature, culture and local gastronomy. Intermodality and quality infrastructure, services nearby, and the integration of these routes into the sustainable mobility plans are essential to harness their full potential and positive impact in transport decarbonization. Sustainable tourism through greenways and no-motorised routes: Greenways are a key tool for sustainable tourism and the decarbonisation mobility. They are safe, accessible and user friendly non-motorised communication routes, mainly created over disused railway lines and using canal towpaths. There are thousands of kilometres of greenways in Europe, especially in rural areas, and they have great potential for growth. Indeed, we estimate that there are approximately 30,000 km in Europe, of which around 20,000 km from former railway lines, which would represent just 20% of all abandoned railway lines. Greenway tourism, based on active mobility (cycling, walking, wheeling) benefits both local communities and visitors. This type of tourism has a very positive economic impact. In France, for example and regarding cycle tourism, 68 euros a day is what a tourist spends on […]

T4T stakeholder event & expert group plenary in Brussels
EGWA takes part in the Together for EU Tourism (T4T) stakeholder event & expert group plenary in Brussels Organised by the EC DG GROW past 14/October To share recent policy developments in the tourism sector at EU level EGWA participates in the stakeholder event on tourism & expert group plenary in Brussels organised by the EC DG GROW, represented by her director This event was held to share recent policy developments in the tourism sector at EU level. Presentations, were focus on EU Tourism Platform; supports to cultural and heritage tourism; how the AI Act impacts tourism, future travel requirements to Europe, and the new law on green claims and how it will affect the tourism industry. Examples of pledges were presented to inspire new actions. There was an opportunity for debate, in which the DG Move was also mentioned given the importance of cycling as a means of transport and the growing importance of cycle tourism, and therefore was also requested that it join the varied and expert representation from other tourism-related EC departments participating in the event. The recording of the livestream can be watch here. The presentations are available online. EC – DG Grow invite all stakeholders to check […]

Sport in Greenways: national final event in Court-Saint-Etienne
As a final event, an attractive bike ride along the #RAVeL and the presentation of the results of Sigway – Sport on Greenways took place in Court -St – Etienne The Final National Multiplier event consisted of a sports activity by bike along the Greenway, the RAVel (*) 141, and a presentation of the SIGWAY project and its main results in the municipality of Court. St – Etienne (Belgium), followed by a debate with the participants. All this organised in the framework of the ‘4e Mobility Village ‘ , within the European Mobility Week /4eme Cité de la Mobilité’ initiative of the City of Court-St-Etienne, in partnership with the parents’ association of Collège Saint-Etienne ; and co-organised with the stakeholders and members of EGWA, the Chemins du Rail Association, and the Commune of Court St-Etienne, that facilitated all the equipment for the presentations The activity started with an attractive and very well-organized bike ride on the #RAVeL 141 to the source of the Dyle (29 km), guided by Chemins du Rail, with explanations during the ride putting in value the connection of RaVel with the sport facilities and equipment’s. Afterward, we continued with the presentation of the results […]

SIGWAY European Stakeholders Final Event
The main aim of the European Stakeholders Multiplier Event was to share the results of the SIGWAY project and strengthen its sustainability. The final event consisted of a final conference and a cycling tour along a section of the greenway Aarschot – Herentals, of railway origin, and the Demer river. The European Stakeholders Multiplier Event was held on September 19th in the beautiful city of Aarschot (Belgium). The main aim was to share the results of the SIGWAY project and strengthen its sustainability. Around thirty representatives from eight countries participated: Spain, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia, Austria, Greece, Portugal, and Poland. Conference The final event consisted of a final conference, with presentations by partners giving an overview and results of the project. Particular reference was made to the pilot activities and recommendations for action to achieve more active greenways for sport and physical activity, targeting different types of stakeholders. Presentations were made by SIGWAY partners, experts in management and promotion of greenways. Key stakeholders, such as Vías Verdes and Vía Verde de la Sierra (Spain), presented good practices for the promotion of greenways, emphasising on sport and physical activity. This was followed by a dynamic round table involving project partners and the introduction […]

SIGWAY à Court-Saint-Étienne!
SIGWAY Sport in Greenways – Sport dans les voies vertes National Multiplier Event in Commune de Court-Saint-Etienne 22/September/2024 Événement national multiplicateur SIGWAY sport dans les voies vertes, à la commune de Court-Saint-Étienne, dans le cadre de la 4e village de la mobilité, dans la Semaine Européenne de la Mobilité. 10:30 Balade à vélo : RAVEL 141, aux sources de la Dyle (29 km). Balade à vélo dans la Valée de la Dyle, encadrée par les Chemins du Rails, principalement via le RAVeL, jusqu’au centre sportif de Genappe puis retour au lieu de départ . 𝟏𝟒𝐡𝟎𝟎 : Présentation du projet SIGWAY par l’Association européenne des Voies Vertes Présentation des principaux résultats du projet européen Erasmus SIGWAY Sport on Greenways, qui vise à promouvoir l’activité physique et le sport sur les voies vertes – RAVEL, avec l’intervention de Mercedes Muñoz Zamora, directrice de l’AEVV. Un aperçu d’exemples internationaux provenant de 6 pays, de programmes sportifs et d’actions concrètes pour promouvoir l’activité physique en vois vertes, et des idées pour organiser vos propres activités. Sport dans les Voies vertes pour la santé, le plaisir et l’environnement ! Co-organisé avec Chemins du Rail avec la collaboration de la commune de Court-Saint-Étienne, que […]

Sharing best practices of awarded greenways
Sharing best practices on greenways, as part of the EGWA’s pledges of the transition pathway for tourism. Discover the awarded Greenways and finalist 2023! The winning of the European Greenways Award 11 Edition held in Rome, and finalist entries are presented on the document, that includes the most relevant information about the candidacies. Key data, pictures, links to videos, and indications on how to get to the greenway, or for more information, are included. We encourage you to visit these greenways and get to know the recognised exemplary initiatives. They are examples from all over Europe, public and private, linked to greenways. Find out more details about the award winning and finalist greenways in the 11th edition 2023 held in Rome >> here In this way, we contribute to the dissemination of best practices, which take part of the EGWA’s pledges of the transition pathway for tourism, on different topics EGWA’s pledges for co-implementation of the transition Tourism pathway highlight the importance of greenways, and active mobility such as cycling and walking, for tourism and everyday life, and the need of safe and accessible non-motorised infrastructures. We strongly encourage you to get to know and enjoy these awarded greenways on foot, by bike, or wheeling. We […]

Greenways a great asset for Sport & Physical Activity
SPORT in GREENWAYS – SIGWAY European Stakeholders Multiplier Event: Greenways a great asset for Sport and Physical Activity SIGWAY aims to promote sport and healthy leisure activities outdoors by stimulating sports activities offer in greenways and potential greenways, while raising awareness on environmental issues and circular economy. Moreover, Sigway aims at enhancing sports field employability and local economies. The main aim of the European Stakeholders Multiplier Event is to share the results of the project and strengthen its sustainability. Venue: CULTURAL CENTER HET GASTHUIS – Mother Lutgardis room | Gasthuisstraat 22. Aarschot – Belgium 19th of September 2024 Program Summary 9:15-9:30 Registration 9:30-10:00 Words of Welcome 10:00 – 10:45 Presentations Project presentation_DEFOIN Piloting experiences_each partner Video projection_TREKIFY 10:45-11:15 Coffee break 11:15-12:30 Round Table Include short presentations of good practices from_EGWA experienced stakeholders, and an interactive session with the participants regarding: The great potential of reusing abandoned railways as infrastructure for outdoor sports. How to recover abandoned railways into greenways. How to transform unused greenways into actively used sport infrastructure. Greenways of railway origin as an example of circular economy and support […]
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Practical publications for greenways stakeholders

Marketing and Communication of a greenways tourism product
Top ten tips for marketing and communication
Best Practice Guide for Marketing and Communication of a greenways tourism product. The guide exposes in a very practical and operational way the top 10 tips for marketing and communication that should help lead to a successful promotion of a tourism product linked to greenways. Produced in the framework of the Greenways Outdoor project, by the East Belgium Tourism Agency (TAO), a partner within the consortium carrying out the project.

How to make accessible greenways
Key recommendations for making greenways accessible
General Conditions for Accessible Greenways: The brochure will help European greenway planners and managers to develop initiatives aimed at improving accessibility along their routes and making greenways an integrating element for the development of accessible tourism experiences and products.

Accesible Greenways
Best Practice Guide for Accessible Greenways
Best Practice Guide for accessible tourism on greenways, with recommendations on how to facilitate greenway usage by all types of user.

Best Practice Guide for local services and equipment on greenways
Best praactices guide for greenway services, giving guidance on the necessary provisions for cyclists and people with disabilities, focusing on the facilities and accommodation nearby.